Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

Fuck, he was perfect.

He leaned back up on his knees, and with his gorgeous blue eyes steady on my green ones, he gripped the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his perfect, tattooed body to me. A soft sigh of appreciation left my lips as I ran my eyes over him, my eyes stopping on the new piece of ink right over his heart.

My name, and then Oliver’s.

Hot tears streaked down my cheeks as I quickly sat up and traced the letters of Oliver’s name with the tip of my index finger, my breath shuddering in and out of me as the name blurred.

“Oh, baby,” Julian rasped, drawing me into his arms. He kissed me, my salty tears mixing with the kiss.

He gripped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. My cheeks heated in embarrassment, not sure if Julian would still find me as attractive now that I was no longer toned and fit anymore, and I weighed about thirty more pounds than I had when he had last seen me naked.

“Fucking perfect,” he whispered huskily as he ran his hands over me, his eyes leaving a heated trail in the wake of his calloused palms.

His lips met mine again as he slid his hands around my back and unclasped my bra, tossing it to the floor afterward. I let out a moan as my nipples brushed his bare chest, my lips opening a bit further under his as I gripped his shoulders and pulled him back down to the mattress with me.

He fisted my hair in his hand and tilted my head to the side, his lips moving over the column of my throat as he nipped at my skin. I managed to kick my shoes off, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing his hips back down to me.

“You make it fucking impossible to draw shit out, woman.”

“It’s been months,” I whined. I didn’t need foreplay. I just needed him inside of me.

“Fuck, trust me, baby, I know.” He grunted when I thrust up again. “I’m trying to not be a fucking savage, though.”

“I don’t care. I need you,” I begged, letting my green eyes meet his blue ones.

“Fuck it all to hell,” he growled.

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✶ ✶ ✶

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Axel arched an eyebrow at me as he lightly jogged on the treadmill. “What do you mean he hasn’t been by to see her?” he demanded to know.

Meghan had been home for a week now. Axel had been visiting her every other day, but most of the time, she was painting, and he let her have her space.

Yet, even though she had been home for a week now, Vincent still hadn’t showed his face, though I had sucked up my own feelings towards my old friend and told him that she was home and he needed to come by and see her.

I sighed as I lowered the bar to my chest and lifted it back up. “Just what I said,” I grunted. “He hasn’t been by yet. He’s reading my messages, but he’s ignoring them.”

“What a fucking dick,” Axel snapped. “She’s been through enough shit.”

“I know.” I grunted as I lifted the bar again. “She’s been through enough shit. I know it hurts her that he hasn’t come by to see her. They were close for so long, and now he’s completely fucking ignoring her.”

Meghan stepped into the gym at that moment. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and an oversized t-shirt, her clothes and fingers splattered with paint. I grinned at her as I set the bar back in the rack and sat up on my bench. “Hey, babe,” I greeted. She moved over to me. “You good?” I noticed Axel trail his eyes over her, pausing on her thick thighs and her beautiful ass, but I didn’t say anything.

A beautiful blush tinted her cheeks. “I um, need some things from the store. I ordered them online, so all you would have to do is pick them up, but I don’t want to drive into town.”

I stood up and leaned down to gently peck her lips in a short, sweet kiss. “I’ll head into town and grab them. Where did you order it from?”

“Target,” she told me. “Thank you, Julian.”

I winked at her. “Always at your service, baby.”

Axel made a gagging sound as he slowed to a walk, beginning his cool down. “I’ll chill here with Meg,” he said. He looked at her. “That cool with you, sweet girl?”

And that—the pet names. It would have bothered me before Meghan spiraled, but now? I didn’t even care so long as it kept a fucking smile on her face.

She nodded as she smiled at him. “Yeah. I’ll be in the kitchen in a few,” she told him as she grabbed the hand that I held out to her.


