Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“I know it seems weird.”

“Nothing you ask me to do is weird. Christ, Linc. I’d live inside you if I could. Don’t you know that by now?”

Yes, I did know it, but I didn’t know how to admit it. I’d been afraid of that the whole time, afraid of admitting I liked Rush because I knew it would get out of control quickly. That I’d lose control.

“Do you have a plug? We can get you one if you need something inside you so badly.”

“It wouldn’t be the same,” I admitted. It wouldn’t be him. Jesus, what had I done?

“No, I guess it wouldn’t be, would it? I’m here. I’ll take care of you. I won’t hurt you.”

Closing my eyes, I hoped and prayed that was true.



Rush Alexander is one of the nicest players. He spends a lot of time with fans after events.

It had been slightly awkward the way Linc had slept half on, half off me. He’d rolled away a little while before, but was tucked in close around me. I’d of course pulled my fingers from his ass a long time ago, but thinking about that, along with the ache in my shoulder, kept me awake. It had been the single most vulnerable moment I’d ever seen from him. The way he’d sought that connection with me, need pulsing off each syllable of his words.

He’d wanted to be joined with me. He’d needed part of me inside him, and that did things to me I couldn’t explain.

Well, I probably could explain it, but I wasn’t going there yet, because I wasn’t quite sure it was smart.

Quietly, I sneaked out of bed, pulled some shorts on, and went into the kitchen for water and a painkiller. I took the pill, then made my way back to the room. Linc wasn’t covered at all, his trim body highlighted in the moonlight shining through the windows.

He looked thoroughly fucked, and I loved it, his blond hair messy, his cheeks still flushed. I smiled, but then figured I was slightly creepy watching him sleep, so I took a step toward the bed. The floor creaked, and he whimpered, then mumbled, “Stop…no…I wasn’t…”

My body went rigid, my feet rooted to the floor, not wanting to disturb him and hoping that whatever dream he was having ended.

He shook his head in his sleep. “Please don’t make me. I’ll do anything.”

Those words made my heart plummet and my body rush into action. I didn’t know what the fuck Linc was dreaming about, but I sure as shit planned to make it go away.

“Linc, wake up. You’re dreaming.” I brushed my hand against his face, and his eyes popped open. He shoved away from me, toward the edge of the bed, and for a moment I thought he was scared of me. “You were having a nightmare.” And I really fucking wanted to know what about. I clicked on the lamp beside my bed.

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you up? I was doing naughty things.” He gave me a fake grin, obviously trying to play it off as if it were something else.

I sighed, climbing back into bed beside him. “When are you going to trust me? When are you going to see that you don’t have to pretend with me?”

His eyelids fell closed, his lashes touching his cheek. “I’m trying…and I wouldn’t…with anyone else…try, I mean.”

“I know.”

He scooted closer, tossed his leg over me, and snuggled into my side. “How’s your shoulder?”

“It’s fine. I’d rather talk about you.”

“What did I say?” Linc asked. He leaned over me and turned the light out before getting back into the same position he’d been in before.

I fought to control my breathing and the rapid beat of my heart. The last thing I wanted to do was make a huge deal about it and spook Linc, but it was killing me. “You asked someone to stop; you asked them not to make you do something.”

“It’s not what it sounds like. No one forced themselves on me.”

The tension in my body released slightly. “Thank God. But whatever it is, you know you can talk to me.”

“It was a dumb high school prank. I should be over it by now. I was, but…”

But being with me made him vulnerable. He didn’t have to say it for me to know that’s what was going on. Guilt ripped away at my insides. I’d kept pushing for us to be together, when obviously he wasn’t ready.

“I want this, Rush,” Linc said softly, his breath against my chest. “I want you. It’s just going to take me a while to get my head on straight. We kind of went full-speed ahead, going from not hooking up anymore to a relationship.”

“Whiskey throttle,” I said, the thought popping into my head.

“Whiskey what? Is that a new way to say you wanna get drunk? Because I’m down. That would make this a whole lot easier.”


