The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

I shivered. “But it won’t be my body that decides if I stay.”

We’ll see about that, he whispered inside my head.

The point of his sharp fangs teased at my throat.

I shivered, a cool passion pooling in my belly. The tips of his fangs gently scratched over my skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.

I closed my eyes, breathed deep, and felt the thrill of his fangs’ caress trace all the way to my core.

“Turn around.” He helped me rise, twisted me, and pressed his hard body into the soft curve of my behind. “What do you want?”

“Your cock. Your fangs.” I positioned myself on all fours.

The warm water rose to my hips and lapped around me as Xander’s hand caressed every inch of my body.

Unable to help myself, I glanced over my shoulder at this exotic, powerful vampire slowly addicting me to him.

I doubt I could truly leave him.

His solid black claws remained extended but did not pierce my flesh. Their sharp tips so close to my skin threatened the possibility of pain and triggered dark desires within my core as I balanced between enjoyment and fear.

He gently raked his claws from my shoulders down my back. I shivered and cried out in pleasure.

He wrapped my long, red hair around his hand and lovingly pulled my head back. His fangs grazed the tender tip of my ear. “Stay with me.”

“Trust me when I say this. I am truly thinking about it.”

“Then, perhaps I should further my point.” He tenderly released my hair and traced my aching folds with the tip of his cock, teasing me with each movement.

And then with no warning, he thrust that hard, thick cock into me, with a sudden force. My flesh parted for him. His cock filled me completely.

He pulled out a little and then thrust back into my pussy, spreading me wide open some more, his cock slick with my moistness.

You’ll do more than think about it, my queen.

And then he pounded into my body, the cushion of his balls slapping against me with a loud smacking sound.

My cries echoed in the space. The intensity of his passion took us both higher and higher.

His tantalizing tenna herb scent wrapped around my senses, driving me further into a state of pure pleasure.

He never let me catch my breath as he shoved, thrust, and stroked until I screamed out in frenzy, “Xander! Harder! Please!”

His strong hands shifted to my hips and guided my body back and forth on his cock.

You’re my queen. Never forget.

Those words in my mind made me wildly gyrate my hips.

He groaned. Those powerful thrusts became more passionate, intensifying with every stroke.

Water splashed against my skin and spilled out of the tub. Droplets streamed down our bodies. Steam rose around us.

Still pushing within me with hard strokes, he pierced my shoulder with his fangs. The sharpness of them and the intense plunge into my shoulder shook me to the core. It was a frenzy of exquisite erotic gratification. I descended to a whole new level of euphoria.

Even if you leave, I’ll never be too far away.

His fangs sank deeper into me as if he were trying to ensnare my very soul.

my heart raced.

This planet isn’t big enough to hide you from me. His voice swirled around in my head as my insides clenched and my clit swelled and my blood spun in a maelstrom of desire.

Then, Xander roared in my mind. Whose cock is hammering you?

“My king’s,” I moaned between breaths.

A fevered thirst erupted on my skin as he drew my blood to him.

Oh fuck.

I slumped into his fangs, rocking back and forth as he fucked me harder. A raging inferno surged through my veins as he drank more of my blood.

“Oh!” My pleasure mounted to the point that when his masterful fingers traveled between my thighs, separated my folds, and traced circles along the tip of my swollen clit, I exploded with an uncontrollable scream and was drenched with electric desire.

My body quaked, convulsed, and writhed in pure exhilaration, each orgasm building on the next like a relentless wave of pleasure. The scorching sensation coursed through my veins as his fangs tore away from my skin, leaving me breathless and trembling with pleasure. Every nerve ending in my body felt electrified as I plummeted into an abyss of pure ecstasy.

“Oh, my queen.” A rugged moan ripped from his throat. His hot essence filled me, spurting and sloshing into my pussy.

“Oh!” Trembling, I gripped the edge of the tub as a tingling liquid sensation flooded my pussy. Then, a splash of icy numbness rippled through my veins.

“X-xander.” I gritted my teeth and spasmed for a few seconds, tightening my hold on the tub so I wouldn’t fall into the water.

“Do you feel that?” Inch-by-inch his cock left my body. “Our bodies react to each other in every way. Even when I’m cuming inside of you, your body aches for more.”


