The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Groaning, I greedily licked some more, sucked, and bit the plump lip until he groaned into my mouth and squeezed my hips with his hands. I wanted his cock inside of me. The hunger burned molten-hot within my body, setting every pore on fire.

“Fuck me, right now.” I stroked him with my right hand and let my left hand’s fingers journey to his heavy balls, teasing them as I traced their outline all the way to the beginning of his muscled behind.

“Hey there.” Xander moved my hand away before I could explore further. “Each time we make love, you get friskier and friskier.”

“Is that a request to slow down my sexual appetite?” I clasped onto the mushroomed head of his cock and tightened my fingers.

His chest thundered with need, filling the room with the sound.

My thumb circled the tip.

“No. I love your desire.” Xander tenderly pinched both of my nipples, inciting a riot of sensuality throughout my flesh.

I moaned.

His fingertips danced over the peaks. “It’s just going to get harder and harder to let you leave.”

“Don’t think about that.” I gasped as he toyed with my nipples some more, driving me into madness. “Focus on this. We’ll deal with that later.”

His fingers ceased from moving and hovered over my nipples.

I cried out in annoyance. “What?”

“When are we going to talk about your leaving?” His fangs withdrew. “You keep saying let’s talk about it later. When will later be?”

“Surely, later is not when I’m holding your erection in my hands.” I sulked and pushed my bottom lip out.

“Let’s stop playing games.” His hands shifted from my aching points and slipped back down to my waist. “I want you with me.”

“I know you do.” I let go of his cock and averted my eyes.

“I don’t have a lot of money, but everything I own, I could spoil you with. You would never desire for anything, not material stuff or physical attention.” He landed soft kisses on the side of my face.

“I don’t doubt that all of my needs would be met.” I backed away from him and climbed out of his grip.

He moved his hands from my waist. A scowl stretched across his face.

“Xander, don’t you think it’s weird that we met two weeks ago? You smell me, drink my blood, and now you want me to attach myself to your every step? It’s so fast.”

“I don’t care.”

“I’m just saying this is too fast. I barely know you.”

“Yet, you’ve let me fill you any time I’ve wanted.”

“Maybe I’m addicted to that feeling of your being inside of me.”

“Stay with me.” His striped blond-and-black eyebrows furrowed. He leaned back against the tub, targeting me with those golden eyes.

“It scares me to jump into this after. . .getting my heartbroken with my husband.” I gathered the sponge he’d been using earlier and wiped bubbles along my face and then squeezed the sponge over my head so the warm, soapy water poured down my tresses.

Xander sneered. “When I said stay with me, that wasn’t a request.”

I wiped the water from my eyes and stared at him. “Well then, you wasted an order. And if you keep spurting out orders, I’ll just leave sooner.”

“And then I’ll catch you,” he snarled.

“I don’t like how that sounds.” I sponged my neck, too annoyed and unable to savor the exotic fragrance of the soap as bubbles glided down my skin. “You make it sound like I can’t leave, like I’m a prisoner here. Don’t forget that I’ve escaped one vampire king. I’ll escape another.”

Causing a wave to push through the water, Xander closed the distance between us within seconds. His fangs hovered barely an inch from my neck. The veins around his forehead bulged with rage. His claws tore out of his fingertips. “Now you’re just boasting about impossible things, like escaping me.”

My heart slammed against my chest. “You’re scaring me.”

He raised his head and looked into my eyes. His warm breath brushed against my lips. “No, my queen, it is you who are scaring me.”

He pressed his mouth to mine, sucking on my bottom lip then spearing the opening with his tongue. A tingling sensation burst from my mouth and shot to my feet, making me curl my toes.

“I won’t make it easy for you to leave me.” He kissed me some more.

“It’s already hard,” I murmured between breaths.

He grunted as his lips returned to savoring mine and his hands slipped up my thighs.

His voice unfolded in my mind like the slow melody of a violin. I’m going to spend every free moment fucking you until you beg me to let you stay.

He left a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck. His hands continued to journey between my thighs. An ache so strong that I thought I’d die from the need swelled within my folds, begging him to fulfill it.


