The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Thank Ambi, the wolves never veered too close to Xander and me. I knew Xander could probably fight a few wolves, but I wasn’t sure if he could handle an entire pack.

Many birds soared in the night sky—pale orange vultures that flew in the direction of Freemont to tiny black raydens that chirped when they fluttered their featherless wings and emitted a long ray of light in the air.

“I’m scared, Xander.”

“Of the wild animals out here?”

“No. . .you know why?”

“Camille. . .”


“I wish I could think of something comforting, but. . .”


“If Leeta is correct, then you must be more than a regular domina.” Xander shifted Leeta’s sleeping body in his arms. “You’re definitely more than I’ve ever experienced.”

“I’ve never felt that different or special.”

“Your hair is red. I’ve never seen that color on a vampire or human.”

“My mother never wanted to talk about it. When I grew up, kids would bother me about it. If the teachers heard, they would shut them up.” I shrugged. “Years later when I was an adult and had my first daughter. My husband worried that she would have red hair. We had the medicine man in my town do examinations.”

“What did he find out?”

“Nothing. He simply said my daughters’ hair and my own wasn’t a major peculiarity, just an odd set of genes that must’ve been passed down from my ancestors long ago.”

“Yet, your blood healed Leeta too quickly.”

“Do you think that there could be other reasons for that,” I said, but his comment had peaked my curiosity. “You told me you stayed away from messing with dominas, but surely you tasted some of our blood.”

“Barely and never straight from the domina’s neck. A vial here or there, if exhausted or for an emergency.”

“Does all our blood taste the same?”

“No. It varies from each one of you, thick to thin, savory to sweet, warm to cold—”

“O-kay.” I held up my hand. “Maybe I should not have asked, it sounds like you are describing a meal.”

“Trust me.” A dark chuckle left him. “Domina blood is not a meal. It’s an all-consuming liquid. It’s why I chose to stay away from you all.”

Leeta remained still in his arms and snored.

I widened my eyes. “How do I taste to you?”

He curled his lips into a frown. “Your blood incites insanity and lust in me every time I drink it. I can’t even think about it without getting an erection.”

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

“You taste like no other domina or human. It’s exquisite like a honeyed wine that numbs any pain and soothes all the hurts.”

I studied his face, searching for any hint of playful humor within his eyes or in the outline of his lips.

None was there.

“Even more. . .”


“When I’m near you, your blood sings to me.”

“How does it sound?”

“It is a tune that’s melodic and free.”

I almost stumbled as we continued to walk forward.

“Your blood. . .it triggers my craving and spreads heat across my skin.” Xander glanced at me for a few seconds and then looked away.

We said nothing else for several feet. I had no reply.

What does all of this mean?

After several quiet minutes, Xander spoke, “How much did the Quiet King pay for you?”

“I don’t know the exact amount. My husband handled the whole transaction.”

A rumble boomed from his chest.

Xander hated my husband Ethan. No matter how many times I corrected Xander, he always argued that Ethan traded me away to the King like I was cattle.

Now. . .I unfortunately agreed.

The mushrooms were the only thing besides alcohol that could get a vampire fully inebriated and humans mildly tipsy. They cost a lot and made my family wealthy for many years.

Then the drought arrived.

It decreased the mushroom production and propelled my whole town into death and starvation. We buried many, so many that even now my chest ached with the memories of all the people we’d lost.

Supposedly without any other options, my husband sought the Quiet King’s assistance. Guards traveled to Zumaya and tested all the women’s blood.

Two teenage girls and I were identified as dominas.

The guards explained that the King would pay money and give food if they could seize just one of us.

I sacrificed myself, and Ethan had understood; neither one of us wanted to see our two daughters dead from starvation.

Their faces flashed in my mind.

I bit my lip.

And. . .another woman is their mother now.

I stifled the rage rising within me.

Don’t think about them. Just be grateful they’re safe and loved.

I wiped ash from my forehead with the back of my hand.

Xander eyed me. “Did you get to see what the Quiet King sent to Zumaya before they brought you to Capitol City?”

“I remember four box loads of food. I also think he sent about three or four wagons of farming supplies. And then the day I had to leave to go to the court, he delivered two silver trunks full of money.” I released an exasperated breath. “I have no idea if more came or not after that.”


