The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)


A Penny, Plans, and a Papa

Genesis stretched her legs over Roman’s lap. They were enjoying a lazy evening after a takeout dinner of deep-dish pizza with extra sauce, in the comfort of her clean and neat living room. The smell of fresh Pine Sol and lavender scented Air Wick diffusers tinted the air, while Night Court reruns from the 1980s played on the television.

“Well then, who is your favorite comedian since you don’t find him funny?” she asked.

“Oh, there’s plenty,” he responded matter-of-factly. “I like Bill Burr, he’s one of my favorites. I also like—”

“Who is Bill Burr?”

“You’ve never heard of Bill Burr?! He’s a White guy. A famous stand-up comedian.”

“Oh, that narrows it down. I know exactly who you’re talking about now,” she countered sarcastically.

Roman playfully lunged at her, causing her to slide halfway off the couch. After she regained her bearings and resituated herself, he continued.

“I like Marlon Wayans. I also liked Robin Williams. Dave Chappelle is funny sometimes, too, but my all-time favorite is Deon Cole.”

“Deon Cole? From the Old Spice commercials? That’s what you think is funny?”

“He’s not just some deodorant commercial actor. He’s a true comedian. Have you seen him on the stage? In person? He’s hilarious.”

“No, I haven’t.” She popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. “I haven’t been to many comedy shows in general. I used to go to music concerts often, but nowadays, not so much. Do you want something else to drink?” She pointed to his empty glass of cola.

“No, I’m good.” He leaned forward, invading her personal space with a sinister smile. “How about we get down to business, and I collect on what you promised me?” His erection was pushing firmly between her thighs, and she shuddered when he slipped his hand to the zipper of her jeans. Just then, her doorbell rang. They both looked at one another. Stopped dead in their tracks. The doorbell rang once again, followed by a few knocks.

“Are you expecting someone?” Roman’s eyebrow shot up in apparent annoyance and confusion.


“Well, are you going to get that?” he whispered. “Or are we both going to just sit here, looking goofily at each other?!”

She slipped from beneath him, leapt off of the couch and walked to the door, then peered out the hole.

“Oh my God,” she muttered, then unlocked the door and opened it. “Tony, what are you doing here?”

Tony burst in, a big smile on his face as he held a dark bottle of wine in a crumpled white paper bag. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

“Now is that any way to greet your brother?” He walked past her, tossed his oversized gray jacket onto the back of a chair, slipped out of his sneakers, and made his way into the living room.

What in the Tom Hill hell is going on here?! This doesn’t make sense. He knows I have company! Tony had called her a few hours earlier, out of the blue, asking what she was up to, and she’d said Roman was stopping by. He’d just wanted to check up on her. Bullshit. Now, here his ass was, too. Roman sat there with his shoes and socks off, his shirt partially unbuttoned, and a strange darkness in his eyes. The two men glared at one another, as if they were strangers breaking into the same house.

“Heeeey, Romey Rome Rome Rome!” Tony broke his silence, and the longtime friends slapped hands.

Roman stroked his chin as he scowled at the man.

“Hey, Tony. What’s up?” Roman’s aggravation was palpable.

“Ohhh, my sister here hasn’t come by the ponderosa in a while, and I thought I’d drop in! I had record sales last month. I figured, why not stop by? Wanted to celebrate!”

Genesis sucked her teeth and plopped back down on the couch. Tony wedged his body between theirs, forcing the couch to dip and sigh as he became a third wheel. In recent past, he seemed at peace with her and Roman dating so his behavior however, was odd causing her bewilderment to grow by the second.

He leaned forward and placed his bag of wine on the coffee table, then wrapped his arms around them both, bringing them in for an awkward hug. Tony bestowed a kiss atop both of their heads.

“Don’t do that, man.” Roman muttered before jerking away.

A few seconds passed. Then a few more.

“…IF YOU DON’T GET YO’ ASS OUTTA MY APARTMENT, TONY!” Genesis roared. “I swear! I told you that Roman was comin’ by, and then you—”

Tony burst out laughing, holding his stomach. “I knew you wouldn’t find this funny, but for real, guys, I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by.” He tossed up his hands as if it were no big deal. She knew her brother… something was off. Very off. Even for Tony, this made no sense. “I’ll be gone soon, I promise. Also figured you’d be happy about my good news.”


