The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“Tony, have you tried to call her?” she asked.

“Yeah. Going straight to voicemail. She’s got the kids with her, too.” His voice was soft but alarmed.

“Did Penny say why her mother needed that money?” From Genesis’ recollection, Penny’s mother had a gambling problem. That was even more cause for concern.

Tony ran his hand over his 360 waves. “She said she was behind on her bills and was going to lose her car and house. Her house that I bought her and paid the mortgage on for the first year as a gift. That was plenty of time to save up.” Anger was engraved on his words. “Looks like no good deed goes unpunished.”

“Well, no disrespect, but, uh, your wife has got a lot of fuckin’ nerve not taking your calls and marchin’ out the door like she was the one who was done wrong. $16,400 is significant enough to make a big deal about. She’s manipulating you, man. I’ll take more of that Coke after all, baby.”

“Roman, you’re not helping.” Now she was shooting the warning glances.

“Oh, I’m helping, all right. This is your brother, but also my friend. Penny is tryna mindfuck him. Call your mother-in-law. Get to the bottom of this.”

“That’s actually not a bad idea.”

“It is a bad idea. Don’t drag your mother-in-law into this until you talk to your wife, Tony. We know how that’ll go. It’ll be two against one.”

“They’re not the victims, Genesis! They’re the perpetrators.” Roman declared.

“WRONG! Y’all ain’t in the marines no more! This isn’t war! This is his wife.”

“Same difference right about now. Tony, she means well, but don’t listen to Genesis.”

“Roman,” she shook her finger at him, “don’t speak about me like I’m not here.”

“Well then, don’t tell him to tiptoe around this shit. Communication and trust?! You wanna talk about communication and trust, huh? She gave almost seventeen grand to his mother-in-law, who hates his guts! The fuck?! NAW! Somebody got some ’splainin’ to do!”

“I know, man! She acted like I was in the wrong.” Tony pointed at himself.

Genesis could clearly see now that the only person that was outnumbered, the third wheel currently, was her. She tried to dance in between a bromance to no avail. These two motherfuckers had bonded over man-shit, and bro-code. There was nowhere to retreat.

“Look, if you need the money back, I can write you a check or send it to your bank account electronically right now.”

“Roman, no. I’m straight.” Tony waved him off. “You gave me the seed money for my shop all those years ago, and that’s enough.”

“Yeah, but you paid me back, with interest. This won’t be a loan. I can—”

“I can get the money back—that’s not my biggest concern.”

“Well then, what’s the issue?” Roman asked.

“Penny has a spending problem.”

Roman burst out laughing. His limbs gave way, and he turned into an overcooked noodle right there before her eyes.

“Roman, I know you’re not laughing right now!” She put her hand on her hip. The man had a horrible habit of finding humor in things that others may have been thinking as well, but didn’t dare say. “I know with everything you told me about your mother, she didn’t raise you like this! Show some compassion! This is my brother.”

“Don’t get all sanctimonious,” Roman said in a deep tone. “I know who the hell it is standing here, Gen. I knew him before I knew you, so don’t stand there acting like some saint, either.” She felt her face flushing with heat. “I can’t believe you’re reprimanding me, when just the other day, you called your sister-in-law, ‘Penny Unwise’. You said she kinda looked like the clown from IT, too, when she wore a bright red wig.”

“This is not the time to bring that up!” Her entire body was on fire. She wanted to leap over the couch and let the Devil use her.

“A, Tony, I can cheer you up, man.” Roman turned towards the poor soul, mirth in his eyes. “I know it was a lot of money… cost you a pretty penny… Penny said, ‘All the money floats away here!’” He said in a faux Pennywise voice, sounding just like the horrific horror character from the movie. “Your money’ll float, too!” And there it was. Roman was slumped on the couch, turning red and laughing his ass off from his horrible joke and mockery of such a wretched situation. “Hey Georgie! George Washington on the one-dollar bill, that is! ‘I’ll feast on your funds!’ Funds instead of flesh! Get it?! This shit just writes itself!” He was practically sprawled out onto the floor now, unable to catch his breath, and slapping his leg.

Genesis brought her hands to her face and slowly closed her eyes. She then shot Roman a glance between her spread fingers, letting him wordlessly know that she’d be organizing his beheading later.


