Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Sheriff Gomes’ jaw tightened, then he slid over the phone…
Fight Tooth and Nail
Roman jerked his upper lip skyward with a push of his finger as he glared into the bathroom mirror, sizing up his reflection, his brows knitted. The black and white marble bathroom smelled of cleaning products used by his housekeeper who’d stopped by earlier that morning.
Look at this shit. That motherfucker.
His pink lower and upper gum right above the injured tooth had turned mulberry. It was tender, swollen, and a little sore, too. The tooth itself also ached when he gave it the slightest touch. Linkin Park’s, ‘The Emptiness Machine’ played through the surround speakers of his loft, but even the good music didn’t calm his nerves.
“It’s gettin’ worse.” he muttered.
Roman was a damn good-looking man, and he knew it. He was tall, fit. Raven black hair. Piercing light brown eyes with a hint of gold, emerald, and copper, just like his father’s. Some described them as cinnamon, or ‘Indian Summer’ in color. An unusual shade that garnered attention. Regardless of his physical magnetism, he didn’t mind getting dirty or breaking a sweat, but being busted up after a jailhouse brawl wasn’t his idea of a good time. Bruises and scars healed, but an injury to a mouth was a whole different matter. After all, he prided himself on his teeth. For as long as he could remember, and he wasn’t certain why, a nice smile meant a lot to him.
Perhaps it was because he saw early on that people trusted folks who had nice choppers. They appeared more trustworthy, he imagined, even when they were up to no damn good. Kind of like his daddy who was currently serving time in Louisiana for a series of assaults and fraud related crimes. Mama used to say people thought his father favored Elvis back when he was a teenager, and said that he and the dearly departed singer had the exact same smile.
Daddy had perfect teeth, despite all of his drinkin’ and druggin’. Was a real shame when he lost a couple of ’em bar fightin’ and never got that fixed.
He picked up his cellphone and dialed his dentist. Maybe this time he’d get lucky.
“Good mornin’. Pierre Dental Care,” the receptionist answered cheerfully. “How may I help you?”
“Good mornin’, Dottie. This is Dottie, right?”
“Yes it is. Who is calling?”
“This is Roman, baby. Roman Wilde.”
“Well, hey there, rock star!” He could hear the smile in her voice, and envisioned the middle-aged woman with the sparkling blue eyes blushing ever so slightly. Roman went in for cleanings every three months. A bit compulsive, but he saw it as a normal part of his hygiene routine. “How are you doing, honey?”
“Sweetheart, I could be better. I got tossed in a cave and ended up in a battle with a bear, and that son of a bitch dang near knocked my incisor out.” He chuckled.
“Oh, boy. Now I know you aren’t out here scrappin’ in these streets, Roman? You’re too big and grown for that sort of horsin’ around. You leave the bears alone, and stay out of their hollows.”
“Well, I think a man is never too grown to defend himself. Furthermore, that bear must’ve thought I ate his porridge with the way he came at me. It’s no matter either way, because now he’s been sent into an early hibernation on account of foolin’ around with me, and findin’ out.”
“Oh, dear. So he got the short end of the honey stick, huh?”
“Let’s just say that Papa Bear found out that I ain’t Goldilocks, but I sure know how to put a bastard to bed just right! I got a wicked right hook, and I gladly delivered them by the dozens. They weren’t served too hot or too cold, neither.” Dottie belted a big belly laugh that echoed through the line. “All jokes aside, the reason I’m calling is because I need to see my dentist as soon as possible. Today, if ya can.”
“What’s going on, Roman? I’ll check the schedule while you tell me so you know when to pop in.”
“Well, the whole bear and cave story isn’t exactly untrue. I got hit in the chin, jaw to be exact, and this bastard’s knuckle connected with the side of my mouth. It made my gums on that side swell up somethin’ awful and now the tooth hurts, like somethin’ is damaged.”
“Okay, yeah, you should definitely see someone. I’m still looking at the schedule here…”
“I actually called yesterday already and explained this, but Sarah said Dr. Keith won’t be in till next week, and I’d have to see Dr. Stapleton. Is that true? I know sometimes with her being new and all, she gets some information a little jumbled up.” That girl is so dumb she’d sell her car for gas money.
“Well, that’s true about Dr. Keith, Roman. Sarah was right. See, Dr. Keith is on vacation, Roman. Dr. Stapleton can take care of you just fine though, honey, and it looks like you’re in luck! I can get you in today.”