The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I agree with you, Roman. And that’s all the more reason for you to come under my wing. You’re just out there in a big ol’ field. Lost.”

“You ain’t no shepherd, Farmer Wilde. I’m not part of a flock, and you won’t be leading me to slaughter, either. That’s what you do to this family. Lead everyone to their depression, destitution, or demise. You can try to steer me, but not before you, yourself, fall over the fucking cliff. I hope you die!” He freed his hand from one of the handcuffs in a flash, pressed his finger against the END button, and terminated the call. His wrist throbbed with pain, the skin twisted with abrasions and rings of red as the sheriff looked down at his hand in shock.

“I told you I could get them cuffs off, motherfucker. I’ve been in the system since I was a juvenile. My father was one of the biggest thorns in the Houston police side. Me and my brothers ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at, and I can tell by your expression, you’ve underestimated me.”

“Don’t. You. Fucking. Move.” Sheriff Gomes snuffed out his cigarette and got up from his seat, his hand on his gun.

“I’ve been workin’ on these cuffs from the moment your boys slapped ’em on me, because one thing I’m not going to do is sit down for a set-up. I have no desire to run outta here, or ’cause you to become some Olympic athlete, tryna chase me down. But if you know what’s good for you, you’ll make sure I’m out of here in no time flat.”

“I can’t do that, and you know it. We need to first come to an agreement.”

“I agree only to one term. To turn this town every which way but loose if you don’t take me seriously. I have work to do. Now I expect you to start makin’ moves to get me the fuck outta here! NOW!”

“Boy, I’ll shoot you dead before I take orders from the likes of you.” He snatched Roman’s free hand and re-cuffed him, huffing and puffing all the while and occasionally squeezing the torn skin to drive his point home. All Roman did was laugh as loudly as he could through the pain. “I don’t give a shit where you work, boy, who your father is, and what you think you know. That’s plenty tight. Ain’t no gettin’ out again.” Sheriff Gomes sat back down. Seemingly out of breath. “Now, you sit here and we’re going to talk. Come to an agreement like I stated.”

“I already know what you’re plotting. I’m not giving you one red cent. You’ll lie to my grandfather and tell him that I called August and was released on account of my lawyer, all the while you’ll pocket his money, and mine, too. First of all, it’s real foolish to try and double cross old man Wilde, especially if you’re not blood, and it’s also real foolish to call my bluff. As you just learned the hard way.”

“If you want out of here, I can make that happen, but first—”

“Go get my shit, Sheriff. Every dollar that was in my wallet, every credit card, every piece of jewelry that hung from my neck and dangled from my fingers, and every stitch of clothing I had on my body from last night better be in my possession when I get up off this phone that you’re about to hand to me. Gotta call August to make sure you walk the straight and narrow.”

“I’d never double cross your grandfather.” He offered a slick smirk. “I thought I made it clear that you don’t call any shots around here, either, Wall Street.”

“My name ain’t Wall Street. My name ain’t Lennox, either. See, Lennox Wilde, my cousin, he tried to play nice with y’all for a mighty long time. He let ya railroad him on behalf of Gramps when he was fresh outta high school and look where it got him? It practically ruined his life, but see, I’m different. Y’all know my daddy. Grandpa was right… The fruit didn’t fall too far from the tree.” The sheriff’s eyes narrowed on him. “…And I come from rotten roots.”

“Again, let’s negotiate. Now, what do you bring to the table?”

“You know I don’t bring shit to the table but smashed plates, ripped napkins, and cracked glasses for you to chew on, you snaggle toothed bastard. All that’s for dinner is your ass on a platter, and nobody eats for free.”

“Don’t you threaten me, boy.” The sheriff leaned forward and shoved his finger in his face. “I’m done playin’ nice with you, clown. You’ve got a real smart mouth. You of all people know that I can personally have you in here for much longer than you ever dreamed, and make it feel like a lifetime in hell as each second ticks. I can put you away with two or three guys… You can’t beat ’em all.” He jeered. “You’ll be in a cell that is colder than a witch’s tit for as long as I like. You’ve gotten too big for your britches. Think you’re smarter than every damn body!”


