Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
“I’ve got a long history with the law, Sheriff Gable, and I know what crooked cops behind closed doors do. I know the tricks pulled when you conveniently turn off body cams to make bogus arrests, plant drugs on folks, and say motherfuckers were resisting arrest when they weren’t doing anything of the sort. Sometimes you like to teach guys like me a lesson … ’specially if you’re being paid to do it, feel inferior, or have an axe to grind. My daddy made a fool of you many years ago. When my grandpa called you, you happily obliged. This is personal for you.”
“Shut the hell up.”
Roman burst out laughing. “Yeah… you’re crooked as a country road. You blame it on a glitch when the bodycams go black, don’t you? I know about the little rooms for secret meetings, money you stole off folks you pulled over, and the bribes you brag about around the water cooler, too. I also know there’s some good cops on the force, ran into a couple, but they don’t always last long, or you find some way to corrupt them, too. Usually I’m pretty optimistic, but there’s far too few good guys left in this country.”
“You know, Roman, I wish things were so black and white as your imagination paints them out to be. You’ve been watching far too many CSI episodes.”
“Maybe so.” Roman shrugged. “We both have been watchin’ the wrong thing, I suppose. You were watching your bank account grow, instead of watchin’ me mop the floor with Miller before it was too late.”
“We saw it…”
“…Oh? Finally, a confession.” Roman nodded, then laughed. “You turned off the cam, right? Just in case your wish was Miller’s command. I’d end up beaten to a pulp. Blamed for it all. My word against his. No evidence. No problem.”
“If you would have just taken your beating and kept your fucking mouth shut, all of this would’ve been over.” He said through gritted teeth.
“No, it wouldn’t have. It would have just gotten started. You’ve mistaken me for easy prey, and an even easier payday. I can’t roll over and play dead. It’s not in my nature. Choose your lane. Be crooked or be a good guy, makes me no difference, but either way, I’m going to be out of this motherfucker so fast, it’ll make your head spin. Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! August-juice! August-juice! August-juice! HE’S COMIN’! I SUMMONED HIM. UH OH! Here comes my attorney!”
“Just a big ol’ jester, aren’t ya?! Mr. Slick!” Sheriff Gomes shook his head, as if sickened.
“Slick like baby oil? You been to one of my grand-daddy’s wild and crazy shindigs haven’t you? Southern style freak-off? Fried chicken dipped in pussy sauce, and peach cobbler sprinkled with flakes of cocaine? When Diddy or Grandpa Wilde wanna party, Sheriff Gomes, you got to tell them, ‘No!’” He burst out laughing.
“Shut the fuck up!”
“That’s a good idea. Silence. I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law…”
“You think this is how you go about this?! You believe that—”
“I believe only that I have the right to an attorney. If I cannot afford a motherfuckin’ attorney, one will be appointed for me, but we know that I can afford an attorney just fine, and his name is August Lyle. Now, you’re gonna abide by the law, Sheriff Gonad, and make sure I get one by handin’ me that phone.”
“Your grandfather wants you to remain here a little longer.”
“Well, in that case, let’s see how well things go when I remind everyone that my Miranda Rights were never read. In fact, I had to recite them myself. Then, there’s the fact that I wasn’t allowed to contact my lawyer after asking several times. Let’s also see what happens when I mention that I was placed in inhumane conditions even though I haven’t been charged with a crime in over a decade, and my prior record was expunged. Last but not least, let me offer some of them upset boys in them cages back yonder a reward for their service. After I beat up their nemesis, they were happy as could be. I could pony up a bit of cash for them to talk, so they can tell the truth. Vouch for me.
“You know all about taking kickbacks. You know how this works, man. You told me I can’t fight off two or three more dudes all at the same time. Well, you can’t silence all fifty of ’em, now can you? You of all people know that money makes people do interesting things. Would you like to call my bluff again? Find out if I’m some slick talkin’ lying bastard who can’t almost kill a man twice my size, and get handcuffs off like they’re made of butter? Walk the walk and talk the motherfucking talk. If you’re a gambling man, place your bet. The choice is yours.”