The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

He sat down on an enormous black leather couch with silver clawed feet, propped his legs up on the black and white cubed coffee table, and searched through Google on his phone, trying to find a dentist located less than thirty minutes away, with good ratings, that could see him on short notice. A few minutes later as he was giving up hope, his phone rang. His lips curled when he checked the caller ID.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he answered with a chuckle. “What’s up, Tony?”

“Nothin’, soldier. I’m at the coffee shop takin’ care of a few things. Somebody said, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day,’ and naturally, I thought of one of my best buddies. Hey, I heard you was down at my old stompin’ grounds a few weeks ago. Barley told me he saw you. I called you, but I didn’t leave no message.”

“Hmmm, I didn’t notice a missed call from you, or I would’ve called you back. Yeah, I was in Sunnyside. I needed to get my car worked on.”

“The street mechanics!” Tony chuckled. “You always look for a deal. I take it you found one?”

“Yes, sir! Gotta guy ’roundabout there who knows his way around a Ferrari 250 GTO. His name is Fred Artes. Older guy. He understood the needs of my Grand Tourer.”

“250 GTO? Well, shit. What did you need done?”

“A lil’ bodywork. Someone let their grocery cart hit my shit. I parked faaaar away from everyone, so I know that shit was on purpose. They wanted too much at the dealer and my usual place, so I figured I could save a few hundred dollars this way, and it worked out. You know I’m funny about my toys. My Ferrari is my new baby.”

“A classic. Must be doin’ well for yourself if you can afford a 250, man.”

“I can’t complain.” Roman ran his hand along the back of his neck. “What’s been up with you? Seems like forever since we last conversed.”

“We haven’t spoken in about two months, man. I’ve been in and outta town. Conferences, business classes, all kinds of shit. It’s worth it though. Gotta leave something behind for my kids, man. My shop is their ticket to good educations, and somethin’ to pass down. I was featured in the Roast magazine recently.”


“Thank you.”

“I don’t know what the hell Roast magazine is, but it must be a big damn deal! Proud of you, man. Business must be goin’ good for you, too, I see.”

“I can’t complain!” They both laughed once again. Tony owned a popular coffee shop in Bunker Hill Village: ‘Mean Bean.’

“When am I gonna have a chance to drive this new ride of yours?”

“When pigs fly. Nobody gets to drive that baby.”

“Oh, but you’ll trust ’er in one of the worst hoods in all of Houston?! You’re brave enough to venture into Sunnyside, but won’t let me take her for a spin.”

“She was behind lock and key. I know how you drive, Tony. Like a bat outta hell.”

“I have a need for speed,” he jested. “Lucky, you left with your hubcaps still on your ride, messin’ around with Sunnyside.” Tony Caldwell gave a throaty laugh.

“Eh, you know me. The only thing that scares me is poverty and prison. And prison only because I wouldn’t be able to get any pussy.”

“Awww, man, knowin’ you, you’d sweet talk all of them female correctional officers and end up having to take ten paternity tests after your first month there. Not even the old lunch ladies would be safe.” They both burst out laughing again, just like old times.

Tony and Roman had met in bootcamp and became fast friends. Both enjoyed car shows, martial arts, and being outdoors. They also connected due to being rebels in their families as youths, and enjoyed a similar sense of humor, as well as getting into bits of trouble. They’d remained close all of these years, and no matter how much time passed between their chats, they always managed to pick up exactly where they left off without missing a beat.

“Say, we need to get together soon,” Roman offered as he plopped down onto his loveseat. “Let me know what your schedule looks like in the next few days. I can even swing by the shop one day if that’s more convenient. I have a few errands I could take care of out that way anyway. Like some dry cleanin’.”

“Next few days? I’ve got to catch a flight bright ’nd early in the morning to meet a new vendor, and I’ll be gone again right after that for my wife’s family reunion. I won’t have much free time for at least a few weeks, man.”

“Well, we can always try and get together when—”

“Hey, you know what? I know this is short notice, but if you’re not too busy right now, you can swing by. What about in the next hour or two? I’ll be here.”


