Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

She was aware that she was acting like a porn star but she didn’t even care. The feeling of having the big, muscular Kindred between her thighs lapping her pussy was intoxicating. Her pleasure was building once more and she only knew she wanted more of it—more of him.

“That’s very good, Chain,” she told him breathlessly as she rubbed against him. “You’re making my pussy feel extremely nice.”

He growled softly and lapped harder, making Vicky moan. God, if he kept this up she was going to come again—even though she’d been certain after the last intense orgasm he’d given her with his fingers that she couldn’t possibly reach that peak a second time.

But Chain seemed intent on proving her wrong. He licked harder, swallowing her juices as he pushed her further and further towards the summit.

Enjoying his hot tongue on her, Vicky shifted just a little…and suddenly found bliss.

“There!” she gasped, holding his head steady with both hands. “Oh God, Chain—right there. Don’t stop—lick me! Lick my clit—make me…make me come!”

A low rumbling hungry growl rose in his throat and suddenly his muscular arms wrapped around her thighs like iron bars. As Vicky continued to hold him in place, he licked even harder, bathing her hot little bud with such intense sensation that Vicky couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Oh!” she gasped, throwing back her head as he continued to lick her. Her toes curled and she felt herself spasming again, her inner muscles clenching as a second, Earth-shaking orgasm wracked her—this one even more intense than the first. “Oh, Chain…Oh Chain!”

She was coming—coming so hard she saw stars before her eyes as the big Kindred continued lapping her hungrily, as though desperate to get every drop of her juices.

Pleasure and power raced through Vicky. For the first time ever during sex, she had been in charge. And for the first time in her life, the man she was making love with actually cared about her pleasure—actually put her first and wanted her orgasm more than his own.

For the first time, her partner actually cared.

And then, to her horror, she began to cry.

Chapter Thirty

Chain was up off his knees at once, wrapping her in his arms, looking anxiously into her face.

“Victoria, talk to me,” he begged. “Did I hurt you somehow? Are you all right?”

Vicky wanted to talk—wanted to tell him she was fine, that everything was all right—but somehow the tears kept welling up and she couldn’t stop sobbing long enough to talk.

A torrent of emotion had swamped her, coming from out of nowhere like a surprise tidal wave, deadly in its force. She shook her head over and over trying to make sense of it.

Why was she crying? She was happy—Chain made her happy as no man ever had before! Because he cared enough to take his time with her, because he wanted her and made her feel beautiful like no other man ever had—especially her ex, that cheating bastard!

Vicky was certain that at least part of Chain’s sweetness had to be an act—a perfect play of selfless devotion to fool Professor Torella and Professor Lornah so the former would sell them the other half of the T’lix-Kruthe. But at this point, she didn’t even care. It was so nice—even for a moment—to not be lonely. So nice to feel that someone cared, even if it was just an act.

So she clung to the big Kindred’s broad shoulders, buried her face in his chest and cried, unable to help herself or stop until the strong emotions carrying her away like a treacherous underwater current ran their course.

For his part, Chain gave up trying to find out what was wrong and just comforted her instead. He took her off the table, gathered her into his arms, and held her close, letting her weep against his chest while he cradled her patiently.

He’s so patient with me—so kind! Vicky couldn’t help thinking. And that, in turn, reminded her how Kevin had grown cold and distant at the least sign of tears from her. How often had he accused her of trying to manipulate him with her “emotional outbursts”, even when she did her best and only shed a few silent tears which she wiped hastily away? She had learned early in their marriage that crying made him turn angry and cold and so she often repressed her own emotions because she was wary of his.

Maybe it was all the repressed emotions of the past coming out now or maybe she was weeping for the years she’d spent in a loveless marriage—Vicky didn’t know. She only knew she was overwhelmed and she couldn’t stop until the tears finally dried up.

“Poor dear,” she heard Professor Torella murmur. “What a time she’s having!”

“But what’s wrong with her?” Lornah demanded. “Her student just pleasured her within an inch of her life—she ought to be as happy as could be after such a performance.”


