Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“Oh, don’t you see? He pleasured her too well.” Torella sounded exasperated. “The feelings were too intense. Haven’t you ever cried after an especially good orgasm?”

“Not once,” Lornah said sourly. “This is ridiculous! How can she finish the test this way?”

At this, Vicky was finally able to get hold of herself She sniffed and swiped at her eyes with one arm before looking at the two Professors, who had left the couch and had come to stand a little way away from herself and Chain.

“What do you mean, ‘finish the test?’” she asked, sniffing. “That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had in my life! It shook me right down to my bones and you know there was no way I could have been faking it. If that isn’t evidence that my teaching methods work, I don’t know what is!”

“Well, yes, my dear. We’ve seen your student’s manual and oral techniques and I must admit they were most impressive,” Professor Torella said. “But in order to be considered a truly good teacher of males, we also have to witness his penetrative technique.”

“His…his penetrative technique?” Vicky asked hazily. She still felt a little light-headed in the aftermath of the intense orgasm and the emotional storm which had followed.

“We have to see him fuck you,” Lornah said bluntly. “Only then can we be sure you’ve really trained him well.”

“A well-trained male will wait until a female is ready and penetrate slowly and carefully at first.” Torella’s voice had assumed a lecturing air. “He’ll allow his female partner to choose what position she wants to be penetrated in and he’ll be certain to give her adequate stimulation so that she orgasms.”

“And he never, ever comes first!” Lornah said, joining in the lecture. “He makes sure his lady is well taken care of before he allows himself to reach the peak.”

“Well, I’m sure Chain can…can do all that,” Vicky said hesitantly, though honestly she didn’t know if she could take any more intense pleasure or emotions that night.

“I’m sure he can, my dear.” Torella patted her arm comfortingly. “But not tonight—you’re all worn out. Have a good night’s sleep and we’ll resume this in the morning.”

“All…all right.” Vicky felt too dazed to disagree. “I guess so. Um, where can we sleep?”

“I saw a sleeping pod that seemed built for two as we entered this domicile, here on the first floor,” Chain said. He looked at Torella. “Unless that one is reserved for Your Ladyship?”

“Oh, no.” She giggled. “My bed is built for three. Though I don’t think we’ll be getting much sleep tonight—not after the performance you two put on. It was most stirring!”

She cast a naughty look at her two students, who were waiting for her with their hands clasped behind their backs. Both were naked and both were hard, Vicky noted. Apparently they were as eager to serve Torella as Chain had been to serve her.

“Well…” Vicky began and then yawned widely before she could stop herself. “Oh forgive me—I’m so tired all of the sudden.”

Though of course, why wouldn’t she be, she thought? She been going since Valentine’s night. She’d met Chain at the bar, gotten attacked at her house, subsequently rescued, and then taken to the Mother Ship. From there she had accepted the mission to Priima Belle, where she and Chain had gone at once. Then she had been forced to give an impromptu lecture on Tex-Mex food and had been taken to Professor Torella’s house where she gave an even more impromptu sex show. During which Chain had given her the most intense orgasm of her entire life and then she’d cried herself out, giving in to emotion in a way she hadn’t done since she was a little girl.

All in all, it had been an extremely full night.

She yawned again.

“Come, my Lady—let’s get you to bed,” Chain remarked, kissing her tenderly on the forehead. “Things will be better in the morning.”

“Thank you, Chain.” With a sigh of contentment, she nestled against his broad chest and let his spicy scent fill her senses. She was barely aware of Torella and Lorn discussing their own sleeping arrangements—apparently the “sleeping stations” as the moveable beds were called, had to be found since the furniture was rearranged every night and nobody knew where anything was. Lornah complained bitterly about this but Torella just laughed her off, making a honking sound through her beaky nose.

But before Vicky could hear the end of this argument, her eyelids closed and she felt herself drifting off to sleep, still held in Chain’s muscular arms.

Chapter Thirty-one

Chain carried her tenderly through the large, disarranged domicile until he found the soft, pillowy silver mattress he’d seen on their way in. Torella and Lornah and their students had already retired to different parts of the huge house—arguing as they went—and the lights everywhere were beginning to dim.


