Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

The hungry look in his eyes softened and he nodded.

“Of course, my Lady—I will do exactly as you wish,” he murmured.

He leaned down again and Vicky was certain he was about to kiss her, just as she had specified. To her surprise, though, that wasn’t what he did. Instead of placing his mouth on her, he rubbed the top of her mound with his cheek—almost like he was bathing in her scent, she thought.

“Chain?” she whispered, forgetting she was supposed to be the teacher in charge here. “What…what are you doing?”

“Scent marking you.” His voice was a low, possessive growl. “Claiming you as mine before I kiss you. I don’t want any other male to get within a hundred yards of you without knowing you’re mine, Victoria.”

“Oh…” For some reason, his words made her heart flutter. “Oh, Chain,” she whispered, caressing his rough cheek with one hand.

She wanted desperately to tell him that she wanted to be his—his with no question. But what if he was just putting on an act to impress Torella and Lornah? He couldn’t possibly mean what he was saying, she told herself. He was too young for her and both of them knew it.

“Kiss me now,” she murmured, tugging lightly at his thick hair. “Kiss me and prove how well you’ve learned your lessons.”

“Yes, my Lady,” he murmured. He bracketed her pussy with his big, warm hands, spreading her open with his thumbs. “Gods,” he muttered hoarsely. “So fucking wet.”

And then he leaned forward and kissed her.

His mouth was open and hot against her pussy and Vicky moaned softly at how gentle he was being. He really was kissing her as though he was kissing her mouth—a careful, tender kiss to let her know how he felt about her—that he cared enough to take things slowly.

“Oh, Chain,” she whispered again, caressing his hair. The kiss seemed to go on and on and now that she was getting used to having his mouth between her legs, it was making her hotter and hotter. Chain never specifically targeted her clit, but she could feel his tongue moving against the swollen little bud as he kissed her, and every time he touched her, the need inside seemed to expand.

At last he pulled back, his mouth shiny with her juices and his eyes dark with desire.

“My Lady,” he growled hoarsely. “Was that gentle and slow enough for you?”

“Yes, Chain,” she whispered. “Yes, that was…perfect.”

“You are perfect, my beautiful Victoria,” he murmured. “Tell me what else you want me to do to bring your soft little pussy pleasure?”

Vicky’s breath seemed to catch in her throat at his hot words and the intense way he was looking at her. Clearly the ball was now in her court. Something in her rose to the occasion and suddenly she wanted more.

“You’re going to kiss me again,” she told him. “And I’m going to show you where and tell you how.”

She gripped his hair harder and she saw him wince…and then his eyes grew even darker with desire.

“Gods, yes,” he growled, the hunger pulsing in his deep voice as though the tiny bit of pain she’d given him had increased his desire exponentially. “Show me where you need me, my Lady. Guide me and help me give you pleasure—help me make you come.”

“This way.”

Vicky pushed his head between her legs and he went willingly, pressing his mouth to her pussy in a fierce, wild kiss. There was no softness this time—only hunger and need. Chain pressed against her, lapping hard as though he was desperate to taste more of her.

“Slow down,” Vicky ordered imperiously. “Lick me, Chain—long and slow.”

Using her hands, she guided him, showing him exactly where she wanted to be licked.

“That’s right,” she told him. “Start at the bottom of my slit and lick all the way up to the top. And take your time.”

He groaned deep in his throat, as though the way she was directing him was turning him on almost more than he could bear. Then, after a moment, he fell into a rhythm—long, slow lapping over her aching clit that drove Vicky crazy, though she tried not to show it.

Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this—couldn’t believe she was directing him and telling him exactly what to do and how to do it—which was something she’d never gotten to do before, since Kevin took directions about as well as a bull in a china shop. But Chain seemed eager to do her bidding—was this a turn-on for him? Being told exactly what she wanted? It certainly seemed to be so, at least, if his behavior was any indication.

He licked her slowly, looking up into her eyes as he did so, as though he wanted to see her pleasure. Vicky obliged him by moaning and stroking his hair as she pumped her hips up and down to ride his tongue.


