Stealing Her Heart Read online Evangeline Anderson (Brides of Kindred #24.6)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 88235 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“It will be my very great pleasure, Professor Victoria,” he growled softly.

And then he was on his knees before her, reaching for her breasts.

Chapter Twenty-four

Gods, how he loved to suck and pleasure her! Chain growled softly in the back of his throat as he lapped and circled her erect nipples with his tongue. Her ripe, pink peaks were so tight—so needy. And so sensitive. He loved the way Victoria writhed and squirmed and tried really hard not to make a noise while he pleasured her.

But every once in a while a little moan or gasp slipped out and he could see from the way she was biting her lip and tell from the warm scent of her aroused pussy that she was enjoying this every bit as much as he was.

Chain would have been happy to suck her nipples all night. He loved the salty flavor of her skin and the way she thrust her breasts up and out, as though begging mutely for more. But he couldn’t help wondering if this was regular behavior between a professor and student here on Priima Belle.

Luckily, it appeared that Professor Torella was going to tell them.

“So, you wanted to know about the Priima Belle teaching methods,” she mused as she carded her fingers carelessly through the hair of the males sucking her nipples. “It’s based on a very simple premise, actually—men don’t know what a woman wants or needs sexually unless they are taught it.”

“And so…you teach them?” Victoria’s voice was breathless as Chain flicked her left nipple gently while slowly circling the right with his tongue.

“Indeed.” Torella nodded. “At the age of first maturity—twenty cycles old—young males are taken from the general population and brought to live at one of the many university compounds—like the one where we first met.” She smiled at Victoria. “There they are matched with mature professors like myself and Professor Lornah there…” She nodded at Lornah who nodded back, “And we train them for the next five to seven years exactly how to please a woman.”

“Five to seven years? That seems like…like a long time.” Victoria shifted in her seat and the warm smell of her aroused pussy drifted up to Chain’s nose again.

He felt his shaft grow even harder than it had been before. Gods, he hoped he got to taste her tonight! He wanted to be between her thighs so damn badly lapping her salty-sweet pussy honey right from the source.

“Oh, some of our students decide to stay longer—all their lives, in fact,” Torella explained. “That was why I asked if your student was with you for life. I thought maybe you had taken him on when he was younger and he just decided to stay with you, rather than going back to the general population.”

“You mean, you, uh, let them go—your students—once you feel like they’ve learned enough?” Vicky asked, panting and shifting in her seat as she spoke. The slow teasing way Chain was stroking and lapping her nipples was definitely having an effect on her, he thought with satisfaction.

“Oh certainly—they must breed the next generation.” Lornah said, frowning. “Once a male has passed his final exams and his professor feels he is ready, he is sent back to the regular society of Priima Belle. There he can find himself a wife who can be certain he will please her in every way.”

“It’s an excellent system,” Torella said, smiling at her two students as they continued to pleasure her. “Males are too immature and selfish to be allowed to form permanent attachments until about the age of twenty-six or seven and some are still too immature even then! We don’t release our students until we feel they are ready to please a woman thoroughly and completely and care for any children they might sire. That’s one reason our society here on Priima Belle is so stable and happy—because of the hard work professors like myself and Professor Lornah here.”

She nodded at the other woman, who nodded back in apparent agreement.

“But enough talk, I think it’s time for a dip in the pleasure enhancement pool,” Torella said. She tapped both her students smartly on the tops of their heads and they drew back at once, letting her nipples slip from their lips.

When they moved out of the way, she stood and pulled the gown she was wearing on over her head before slipping off her sandals. Smiling, she beckoned to Victoria and Lornah.

“Come on, girls—come join me. I think you’ll find it makes everything we do tonight much more fun.”

“Oh…all right.” Victoria looked down at Chain, who was watching her with interest as he continued to pleasure her. “Chain, I guess…guess you’d better stop,” she whispered breathlessly. “I need…I’m going to, uh, go swimming.”

Reluctantly, Chain released her nipples.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” he growled softly, his protective instincts on high alert. “I’m pretty sure the stuff in that pool isn’t water.”


