Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

That time ended that night, twenty years ago.

I wash quickly, leave the shower, and towel off, dressing in green board shorts and a white tank. My hair stays down, hanging in damp waves around my shoulders. I hope Evie’s done dealing with Sienna, because I need further words with her.

I glance at my satellite phone sitting on my nightstand. I could easily call Shelley and have her look further into Evangeline, into what happened to Rachel while she was snorkeling. But I won’t do that. Not yet, anyway.

I tuck the phone into the nightstand drawer, out of sight of any wandering staff eyes, and then I leave my suite and head to Evangeline’s.

I knock.


She opens the door, still looking pale and gaunt. She’s either physically ill or overly stressed out—perhaps both.

“Sebastian,” she says wistfully. “What is it now?”

I barge into her room and close the door. “It’s time for you to ’fess up, Evie. What the hell is going on here? Brett told us you had a match go wrong at your previous place of employment, so your schedule was open. You were supposed to be hungry to make this work for us. Maybe that’s all he knows, though I doubt it. Brett doesn’t fudge on his due diligence.”

She swallows audibly. “That’s correct. And it’s all information you can certainly verify. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t.”

“Oh, I did. But there’s more to the story, Evie, so spill it.”

“There’s nothing more,” she says quietly, not meeting my gaze.

I tip her chin up, forcing her to look me in the eye. “Did you commit a crime? Is that what you’re hiding? What does Misty have on you? What is she threatening you with? Is that why you made Rachel and Ginger leave?” I narrow my eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Evie, because I’ll know.”

“It’s nothing like that,” she says. “It’s exactly as I told you. I caught the girls hooking up and I was worried about the integrity of this event that you gentlemen have invested so heavily in.”

“Evie, I’m tired of the same old song and dance. Either you tell me what’s going on, or I’ll blow this whole thing up.”

I’m bluffing, of course. I can’t unilaterally end the event.

“I’m telling you the truth,” she says.

“Why did they have to leave?” I press. “It was the first night. So they hooked up. They were probably just having some fun. That doesn’t mean they didn’t want to be here.”

“I’d say they don’t want to be here if they’re busy with each other. Frankly I’m surprised you don’t agree.”

“Damn it.” I step away from her. We’re getting off track. “I want them back. Rachel got scared after the snorkeling thing, and who can blame her? She was a champion swimmer. Something here isn’t right.”

“A simple malfunction⁠—”

“Damn it, Evie!” I rub my forehead, my whole body tense and rigid. “Do you realize what you’ve done here? Both these women are doctors, for God’s sake. They’re intelligent. And right now they think they were put into harm’s way on purpose.”

In my mind’s eye, I see headlines about the lawsuits. The investigation into all of us.

We can’t afford such scrutiny.

We need those women back. We need them back so we can do damage control.

“They’re going to sue us, Evie,” I say. “And we’ll go after you for every penny they want from us.”

“No, no, no.” She shakes her head vehemently. “There are non-disclosure agreements in place. Your attorneys took care of everything. They can’t⁠—”

“Evie, they can. And they might. A fucking piece of paper isn’t enough to stop a woman who thinks we put her in danger, and pockets don’t come deeper than ours.”

“I assure you⁠—”

“You can assure me of exactly nothing.” I turn toward the door but then look over my shoulder. “I’ve had enough secrets for twenty lifetimes. I want all of Rachel and Ginger’s bills and expenses covered, and then I want you to get them back here on this island. Do whatever you have to do. I want them back on this island to continue what they started.”

Evie drops her mouth open, but I leave, slamming her door behind me.




Damn both Brett and River, anyway. And damn Sebastian, too. The only one I haven’t hooked up with so far is Alex, but damn him too.

So now Sienna’s leaving. And then there were five. Is this even worth it? Who will be next? This isn’t Survivor. No one should be leaving.

I storm away from the pool house, leaving Brett and River alone in the hot tub. I don’t bloody care anymore. I meant it when I told them I wasn’t sure any of this was worth it at this point. The whole blasted event seems to be falling apart.

From River acting oddly possessive of me, to Ginger telling me “not to trust her,” to whatever the fuck is going on with Sienna... It’s all a bloody dog’s breakfast and then some.


