Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

“Excuse me?”

I smile. “You can fuck my pussy. I want you to fuck my pussy.”

He slides the condom onto his dick and hovers over me. “You sure? I’d love to get into that tight ass.”

“I’m sure. Fuck my pussy, Marc. You know you want to. Shove that big cock inside me, and fuck me good and hard.”

I shriek as he plunges into me with one thick thrust.

His cock burns through my pussy—a good quick burn.

But I’m no longer enjoying this.

Marc is more than competent, and his cock is big and he sure knows how to eat pussy, but even though he’s hitting my clit with each thrust, no orgasm is building.

No orgasm is building because I’m feeling ashamed.

What was I thinking?

Using a man for orgasms, making a promise I had no intention of keeping.

That’s not me.

This place...

This fucking place...

It’s not good for me.

I felt like Leroy turned me into a wallflower again, and what did I do? I came here and became the opposite. The anti-wallflower.

Not the answer. There’s a happy medium somewhere.

When Marc finally grunts his completion, I let him stay inside me for a moment before I nudge him off me.

“I need you to leave now.”


I force a smile. “This was fun, but I need you to leave. You don’t want to get caught fraternizing, do you?”

“Good point.” He rolls over and stands, gathering his clothes. “Can I see you again?”


He shakes his head. “I don’t understand. We had a good time. At least I had a good time. We can⁠—”

“No,” I say, keeping my voice even. “This is one and done. It was fun, but now I need you to go.”

He sighs and dresses quickly while I grab a sheet off the bed and wrap it around myself to see him out the door of the bedroom and through the sitting area.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I push him out the door of my suite, shut it in his face, and turn the deadbolt.

Then I race back into the bedroom, throw the sheet on the floor, head into the bathroom, and turn on the shower.

I need to wash Marc off of me.

I need to wash this whole night off of me.

Seven orgasms.

Seven orgasms with three different men.

I should be on top of the world.

Instead, I feel empty. So damned empty.

I slip into the shower and let the warm water pelt my face.

Then I turn away from the water, slide down the shower wall, hug my knees to my chest as the tears come.

I sob.

I sob and I sob and I sob.




Brett returns to Alex and me after he and River have their words. He smells of woodsy cologne and cigarette smoke, with a hint of bourbon coming off his breath.

“Where’s Riv?” I ask.

“He went back inside the manse. I think I’m going to go down to the beach for a while.”

“It’s late, Brett,” Alex says.

“Yeah. But I could use some time alone.” He looks up to the sky and then back at us. “See you guys tomorrow. Goodnight.” He strides toward the path that leads to the beach.

Once he’s out of earshot, I turn to Alex. “I’ve never seen Brett quite so introspective. He’s usually all business or pleasure without doing a lot of soul-searching.”

Alex nods. “I wonder what River said to him.”

“I don’t have a clue. The two of them have always shared a special bond. They’ve known each other the longest.”

“True enough.” Alex sighs. “I suppose we should call it a night.”

“I’m not sure I could sleep.”

Alex lets out a scoffing chuckle. “Me neither. You want to walk for a while?”

“Sure, but let’s go out front and take the other path to the beach. I don’t want to horn in on Brett’s alone time.”

“Same,” Alex says.

We walk to the front of the mansion, around the manicured front lawn, and onto the concrete path leading toward the beach. The moon sits high in the sky, and the stars shine down on us. Sheer perfection. I could write a dozen songs about the beauty of this night...if it weren’t so fucked up.

We find a couple lounge chairs far enough from the ocean to not risk the tide washing into us and sit down.

We’re quiet for a while, just listening to the rhythmic rolling of waves. They crescendo as they gather strength and build into a gentle roar that climaxes as they break onto the shore. They retreat with a soft hiss.

The flap of a bird flying through the night sky punctuates the gentle sound occasionally, and the warm night breeze drifts around us. I inhale the salty sea air mingled with the earthy scent of sand with subtle floral notes.

Yet relaxation doesn’t come.

Alex’s voice finally breaks the silence. “Seb?”

I turn to look at my friend who’s staring out to sea. “Yeah?”


