Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

I swallow hard.

I blew it.

I fucking blew it.




Twenty Years Earlier...

It’s late. The moon is high in the Montana sky and the fireflies are whizzing past me as I ride my bike to River’s family’s land. I’ve had some thoughts about what we’re about to do tomorrow, and while I should probably go to Jake—our moral compass—my legs seem to have a mind of their own as I pedal to Riv’s.

Or maybe it’s not my legs driving me out onto the country roads.

It’s worry.

Jake seems more into this than he’s even been into one of Brett’s hare-brained schemes before. And something about it isn’t sitting well with me.

So I’m going to River—River, who always seems to understand what I’m feeling even if he doesn’t agree. Even if he rarely goes against what Brett decides. I’ve never quite understood the bond between those two. They’re different like oil and water, but somehow they emulsify into something that works for the two of them. Sometimes I envy their closeness. Alex and I are both artists, close in our way, but not the way Riv and Brett are. They’re almost like brothers, except more so.

I pedal up toward the house and find Riv alone outside in the dark, staring up at the vast starry sky. He doesn’t notice me at first, so intent is he on...something.


He shakes his head as if to clear it. “Seb. What are you doing here at this hour?”

“Just thinking. Need to talk to someone.”

He nods. “What’s up?”

I don’t answer him. Instead, “You were a million miles away.” I swing my leg over my bike and pull down the kickstand.

“Just thinking.”

“About what?”

He draws in a breath. “Nothing. What do you need to talk about?”


He nods. “I figured.”

“You trust Brett,” I say. It’s a statement, not a question.

“I do.”


“He’s the smartest guy I know,” River says with certainty. “And that old motherfucker deserves to rot in hell broke as a pauper after what he did to old Ern.” He scratches the loyal mutt behind his ears.

“Can’t say I don’t agree, but⁠—”

“Brett’s thought of everything,” he says. “It’ll go off without a hitch. As long as we stick together. All five of us. Do our jobs.”

“As long as we stick together...” I echo.

He turns on me like a rattler ready to strike. “You’ve got to be all in, Seb, or this won’t work.”

“I’m in,” I say, “but I need to ask you about Brett.”

“Of course Brett’s in. It was his idea. His brainchild.”

“I know that, but...don’t you think he’s gone a little too far this time? Doesn’t the fact that he came up with this scare you a little bit?”

River pauses, stares up at the sky again. Just when I’m sure he’s not going to answer me at all, he finally looks back at me, meeting my gaze, his dark eyes full of fire. “I trust him. I trust Brett. I trust him with my life, and the rest of you should too.”

“I trust all of you,” I tell him, “but this seems like more than just a simple crime to Brett.”

“Crime is never simple, Seb.”

“That’s not what I mean. It’s almost like an obsession with him. Like his future depends on it or something.”

He pauses again. Then, “It’s not necessarily Brett’s future that depends on it.”

Already I know he’s talking about Jake. Jake, who was so quick to agree to this despite being our moral compass. “What aren’t you telling me?” I ask.

River shakes his head, spits on the ground. “I’ve said all I can.”

I don’t reply. No use trying to force River to talk. I’ll be here all night.

Then he glares at me, his jaw rigid, and curls his hands into fists. For a moment, I think he’s going to attack me, but that’s not River’s style.

A moment later, he relaxes. “It’s got to be all of us, Seb. We’re in this together. We start together, and we finish together. It’s the only way, Seb. Tell me you understand that.”

Present Day...

Funny how things reverse themselves sometimes. River said those words to me so long ago, and I repeated them to him last night.

Look, we’re in this together. We came together, and we leave together. It’s the only way, Riv. Tell me you understand that.

After which he told me to fuck off and stormed out of my room.

Evangeline is apparently helping to arrange Sienna’s departure, but I feel confident she’ll return. Rachel and Ginger, though? They seem pretty dead set on leaving.

I shed my silk pajama pants and take a hot shower, trying to wash away the turmoil of the past twenty-four hours. This event has to continue on its course for many reasons—some of which are purely my own that I haven’t shared with the other three men.

Fuck. There was a time when we never had secrets from each other.


