Beyond the Badge – Fletch (Blue Avengers MC #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 111416 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 446(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

“Wait. Are you fucking talking about Frank Russo, Sr.? The top boss? The don himself?”

“Sure as fuck am.”

Damn! “I thought that slimy motherfucker was married.”

“He is. Or was, until someone force-fed him a forty-caliber slug. She went in to target the underboss Frankie Jr. but as soon as the old man saw her, he wanted to claim her for his very own.”

“And he got her,” Fletch murmured.

Crew shrugged and grinned. “You saw her. Warning though, if this all works out like I hope… She’s a chameleon like you. You might think you know what she’s made of or who she is, and most likely you’ll be wrong. When she’s working, she’s working and she’s all in. And when I say all in, I mean all in. If she’s got a job to do, she’ll do it no matter what it takes.”

“Is she gray?”

“We’re all gray when we need to be,” Crew reminded him. “I don’t know her personally, I only know what I’ve heard. So, be aware what you see on the outside might not be what’s on the inside.”

“Got it. At least I know she won’t break her cover no matter what happens.”

“She won’t break cover. No matter what happens.” The last part Crew said slowly and distinctly. Fletch had no problem picking up what the man was putting down.

That gave him a shitload of confidence about working with her. It sounded like she was very good at her job.

But then, so was he. For that reason, he wouldn’t expect any less out of a partner.

And that’s what they’d be, partners living in close quarters.

Yeah, she was going to fucking hate that.

He grinned.

“One more thing, brother. Start thinking of a good road name. Or if you want, I can pick one for you.” Crew smothered a laugh.

“Fuck that. I’d end up wearing a cut with the name Jingles.”

“Damn, I actually like that. You can wear a bell around your neck like the Tom cat you are.”

“Fuck off.” A thought hit him. “Oh fuck! If Wilder acts as my ol’ lady, then she’ll have to wear a ‘Property of’ cut.”

“Not sure how the Angels’ deal with their ol’ ladies, but I’d say that’s a pretty good chance.”

Fletch grinned.

“Just make sure if you two end up on this assignment together, you’re still breathing at the end. Don’t do shit simply to piss her the fuck off. Underestimating her could be a fatal mistake.”

“Do you think she’s the one who took out Russo?” Had the Mafia boss done something to her to warrant that?

“No one knows who made him eat lead. It could’ve been an actual hit or just someone having a bad day.”

“Then I’ll do my best to treat her with nothing but respect.”

Crew snorted and shook his head. “Trust me, you’re going to need to do better than your best, because from what I’ve heard, she won’t tolerate anything else.”

He’d heed that warning.

For the most part, anyway.

Chapter Five

Fletch sat at the table in the first floor meeting room. It might be the last time he sat there for a while depending on whether he went deep undercover or not.

If he did, he’d be scarce when it came to the BAMC. Including the club runs. So, he asked if they could do one right after the executive committee meeting.

Jamison and the rest agreed. Of course, not everyone was available due to their work and home life schedules but most would try to make it.

Depending on what happened in the next week or so, he could be temporarily hanging up his Blue Avengers cut and shrugging on a Dirty Angels cut instead.

It was almost like donning the uniform of an enemy to hide in plain sight.

Hopefully, the DAMC wouldn’t look at them as the enemy, but he also wasn’t stupid. Unlike fellow military or LEO MCs, they didn’t respect law enforcement in any way, shape or form. And while the DAMC was no longer considered an outlaw club, they balanced on that tight-wire and it wouldn’t take much to tip them back to their roots.

Since Jamison’s brother, Zak, wanted to keep the club aboveboard, Fletch hoped he’d cooperate. If not, they’d have to come up with another way to get their foot in the door with the Deadly Demons.

From what Jamison had reported to Crew, the DAMC didn’t have any beefs with the Demons but another club did: the Blood Fury MC. However, one, it was a really old beef and two, the Fury was hours north of where they were. That club wasn’t close enough to be convenient.

After all the normal boring shit, like the treasurer’s report, was out of the way, Jamison opened the floor to everyone else.

“Anyone have anything else before we adjourn?” Jamison asked once everyone else had their opportunity to speak up.

Fletch knew Crew planned on addressing some task force stuff with Cross and Jamison.


