Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

So instead of heading to my condo, I shot him a quick text that I was heading over. We were in love. I could do shit like that now. I mean, he had gotten his sling off today, which meant he had two hands to touch me with. How could I go home alone? There was no doubt in my mind Rush would agree.

The moment I pulled into the driveway, I saw a dirt bike fly through the air and land on the track before zipping around a sharp turn. Holy fuck. He’d gotten his sling off only hours ago, and he was already on his bike, doing the same shit that got him hurt in the first place. Why in the hell did going really fast on two wheels while jumping much too high have to be the thing he loved?

After parking my car, I made my way over to the track, stopping at the same fence we’d spoken to Dean at all those weeks ago. I put my hand on the wood, bumping into something before realizing I’d knocked his phone down. When I picked it up, the screen lit up, and I saw another missed call from his dad. He hadn’t spoken to him once since his accident, and I knew Mama K had tried to get him to, along with me.

He was so damn stubborn. Not that I didn’t get it. I might have been called stubborn a time or two in my life as well. It was all obviously lies, but still. The thing was, I knew Rush. He wasn’t the type of man to turn his back on someone, even if that person had fucked up. His heart was too big. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that one day he would regret it.

His bike zipped down the track, dirt kicking up behind him. Okay…well, it was sort of hot. Dangerous, but hot, and holy fuck, he looked good in his motocross gear—red-and-white pants with a matching jersey and helmet. My dick definitely liked it, but then he jumped again, flew over two hills—which I knew was called a double—and my heart dropped to my stomach.

I’d always worried about Rush when he raced, but now I figured I might lose my damn mind every time.

Leaning against the wooden fence, I waited for him to come around again. This time, he must have noticed me standing there because he pulled off the track, driving toward me, then turned off the loud braaap of the engine. His gloved hand rose, and he unbuckled his helmet before tugging it and his goggles off. “Hey, you. This is a surprise.”

“I texted you, but I’m assuming you didn’t see it. Did you come out and ride the second you got home?”

Rush winked. “Of course I did.”

“Are you supposed to ride this soon?”

“Do you really want the answer to that question?”

“Rush!” I was going to kill him.

He chuckled. “I’ve been doing physical therapy three times a week for how long now? I’ve been good. I healed fast and well. They said it doesn’t always work out that way, but I guess I’m just that good.”

Because of course he was. “Where’s Dean? I thought he wanted to be here to see your first ride and like…I don’t know, worship you in some kind of motocross séance or something?” I teased, making Rush laugh.

“I’m taking it easy, I swear. And he did want to be here, but you can’t tell on me. He’s coming over in the morning for a last interview, but I wanted my first ride to myself, ya know?”

Guilt stumbled around inside me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I can go.”

“What? No. That doesn’t include you, Red. It’s always different with you. Come’ere and let me take you for a ride.”

“Excuse me, what?”

“You heard me.”

“I’m sorry. Buzzzzz. Bad connection. Wrong number, who dis?”

Another laugh jumped out of his mouth. I loved that I could make him do that.

“Come on and ride with me. Don’t you trust me? I’ll be careful. We can’t go fast with both of us on the bike, and I can’t jump either, so both wheels will stay on the ground.”

“I’ve never ridden a bike before. Like…no bike at all. Not even a bicycle.”

“Holy shit. Are you serious? Then you have to ride with me, and we’re totally buying bicycles and going riding together. It’ll be our thing, and you’ll always remember the first time you rode a bike was with me.”

Okay…so yeah, my pulse went a little crazy and heart eyes danced behind my lids. I suddenly wanted nothing more than to ride every kind of bike imaginable with Rush Alexander. “I don’t have a helmet.”

“That’s my boy! You can wear mine.”

“What? I can’t wear your helmet. Then you won’t have one.”


