Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet
Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
Andrei says, “Hands off the laptop. I was actually doing research.”
Chloe snickers. “On girls?”
Andrei sighs. “On lore. Shitty lore. There’s a comic that’s become quite popular in Japan recently. Even though it’s published underground. It’s called Hexmark. And there’s a striking resemblance to our vampire world as it is right now.”
Returning to the kitchen table, I ask, “Who’s writing it?”
“That’s the issue,” Andrei says. “No one is taking credit. It’s mailed to the publishing company anonymously.”
“Why does this bother you?” Asher asks.
“Because they have the Order, or well, something like the Order in the books,” Andrei answers. “And they don’t paint them in a good light.”
That’s odd. Only the vampire world knows about the Order and the shit we’ve dealt with. Sure, there are whispers among the human population about them, but it’s more like dark fairytales.
“Keep a watch on it and we’ll see if anything comes of it,” Asher says. “On to why I woke everyone early. Matthias found the hunter. And Kian has finally shipped Isaac off to Peru. So he’s assisting in bringing the hunter in.”
“Hunter?” Alena asks.
Fear slices through the bond.
The word, hunter, nearly sending her into a panic.
Wrapping my arm even more tightly around her, I soothe her. “Don’t worry, my love. This isn’t the first hunter we’ve dealt with.”
“Beyond getting information from him, is there anything else we need?” Andrei asks.
“No. You know the score with this one.” Asher looks at me, his expression darkening. He knows everything I saw in Alena’s memories. “He’s dead after he talks.”
Alena tenses beside me.
I look down into her eyes. “You won’t even have to see him, my beloved.”
With the family’s comfort and support surrounding her through the blood link, Alena says carefully, “I want to see him before he dies.”
Asher nods at her. “Good.”
The sound of a vehicle racing quickly up the driveway turns all our heads.
Alena cringes when the tires screech and the vehicle slams on the brakes. Her vampiric senses are still extremely heightened and sensitive.
It’s something she’ll get used to in time.
We all have.
Andrei quickly puts down his laptop and races outside.
I’m tempted to go myself, but Andrei, Kian, and Matthias should have one simple fucking hunter in hand.
“Bring him into the garage,” Asher shouts before standing and exiting the kitchen.
Alena, Chloe, and I follow him.
When we step into the empty garage, I hit the button on the wall to roll up the door.
The hunter strains Matthias and Kian as they try to drag his ass inside. Fighting their hold with more strength than I expected.
Must be the fucking vampire blood in him.
Andrei picks up a crowbar and cracks it over the hunter’s head.
Dazed, the hunter starts to slump in Matthias and Kian’s arms, allowing them to drag him in.
Hitting the button on the wall again, I shut the door behind them.
“He’s a fucking strong dickbag.” Kian growls and punches the hunter hard in the back, where I assume his kidneys are.
“Yeah,” Matthias grunts as he throws the hunter on the concrete floor. “We caught him making his way through the woods about ten miles out.”
“You what?” Asher asks, bringing over a couple sets of heavy chains. “His tracking was going that well?”
I step in to help. We sit the hunter down on the floor and bind his wrist, ankles, and knees.
This fucker is way too strong for rope.
“The Prophet probably showed him my memories,” Alena explains, her face full of worry.
“Yeah, well, whatever that prophet’s doing, he’s not hiding it any longer. Before we picked up this asshole, we swung by the church,” Matthias says. “A bunch of trucks rolled up, packed with hunters. A fucking lot of them.”
“Fuck hunters.” Caden sneers as he steps into the garage. “They’re not superheroes or anything.”
“Some of them might be your kryptonite, Caden.” Kian snickers. “We counted quite a few female hunters among them.”
“What the fuck?” Chloe asks and looks at us in confusion. “They don’t allow female hunters.”
“Say that to my liver,” Kian grunts as he kicks the hunter in front of us. “They don’t allow them to live or train together, but there are hunters of both sexes.”
He’s right. I’ve fought a few female hunters in my lifetime and they’re worse than the men.
The men are simply there to do a job, but the women are rabid in their devotion. They can be quite frightening, truthfully.
“We need to get word to the Council about this development and quick,” Andrei says to the room. “The Order sounds like they’re amassing an army.”
“Fat lot of good that will do.” Asher spits on the hunter in disgust. “They’re a bunch of fucking useless old assholes only worried about their power.”
“Still…” I say slowly and hate what I’m about to suggest. But in these times of crazy, we need to look at all our options. “What about Lord Albert? He could push for action.”