Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

His beast.

A shiver travels through me knowing it has come to the surface to join him.

Grabbing the back of my knee, he yanks my leg up and pulls back his hips.

Driving forward suddenly, he rams his cock deep inside me, only the barrier to my womb stopping him.

“You will learn to control your power with me,” he growls, sounding more like a monster than a man.

My head falls back into the dent as once more he expertly pushes against the little bundle of nerves buried inside me.

The little bundle of nerves that sucks all the strength out of me and makes me gasp as if I need the breath.

Pulling himself almost all the way out of me, my eyelids flutter before he slams in hard and deep again.

Squashing my ass against the plaster.

His voice drops even deeper. “Now bite me.”

Not needing to be told twice, I moan and strike like I’m a snake. My fangs instinctively finding their mark, they slide deep into the flesh of his neck.

When his cock jerks and my squeezing walls are splashed with his hot cum, he roars, “No!”

I jerk away from his neck in surprise, knowing I messed up somehow. Then groan as he withdraws his hips, pulling himself out of me.

No matter how hard I clamp down, I can’t stop him.

Thankfully, he stops just before he’s completely pulled out of me and pierces me with his eyes.

Staring back, I feel all his cum running down my thighs.

What a waste, the little voice inside me chides.

Fuck off, I growl back. I can’t help it.

The voice laughs. Well, you better learn fast…

My clit suddenly lights up with sensation.

I was so busy arguing with my inner bitch, it takes me a second to the realize what happened.

Raphael slammed all his weight into me and trapped my clit between us.

“Again,” he commands.

Hesitant now, I move slower, chanting inside my head before my fangs sink into him.

Don’t come.

Please don’t come.

But his cock kicks inside me, pumping me full of heat.


Tears of frustration blurring my eyes, I yank myself off him before his rumbling growl can pass his lips. And try to shove him away.

Ignoring my shove, he sinks his claws into the plaster beside my head and purposely grinds himself against my trapped clit.

The sensation literally driving me up the wall, I raise up on my tiptoes.

Just before I end up coming myself, adding to the mess running down my legs, he stops.

And orders, “Again!”

I shake my head. I can’t do it. I can’t control this stupid power I’ve been fucking cursed with!

Why, out of all the powers I could have been given, must I be burdened with this shit?

All I want to do is drink from him!

His chest rumbles against my breasts, causing my nipples to tighten into hard points. “You can and you will.”

I wish I had his confidence.

“What if I can’t?” I whine and squirm, needing some relief from all the pressure on my clit.

His eyes pierce me so hard, they might as well be stabbing me.

“You will,” he repeats.

The longer I stare into his glittering irises, the more I fall under his spell.

Bits of the wall fall on my shoulder. Then he’s shoving his wrist against my lips as his eyes remain locked on mine.

“We’ll keep practicing until you get it right,” he purrs now.

I gently bite into his wrist, but his body jolts, more cum spilling out of him.

Cursing under his breath, his eyes darken, momentarily breaking the spell.

Grinding his hipbones against my hipbones, he tortures my poor trapped clit with more pressure in retaliation.

Leading me to the brink of my own orgasm, only to yank me back from the edge.

Shutting down his side of the bond, there’s a hard tug behind my ribs this time as he growls, “Control it or you’ll never come again.”

Uh-oh! the evil bitch chuckles. Looks like you’ve done it now!

My body burning with unfulfilled need and wanting to prove that inner bitch wrong more than anything, I suck hard on his wrist in a mixture of frustration and determination.

Raphael’s eyes widen, but with his side of the bond closed off, I can’t share in his release this time.

With all the cum already inside me, I can’t even feel it.

A slow grin sliding across his lips and his eyes shifting back to gold, Raphael reopens the bond for a fraction of a second.

Just long enough to let me experience how tight his balls are and aching with his own unfulfilled need.

Then he slams the bond shut again and rolls his hips up, lifting me off my toes.

The plaster behind my spine cracking and his delicious blood still pouring down my throat, he thrusts and grinds into me until I’m the one shuddering and gushing all over him.

My pussy clamping around his pulsing cock, I’m lost in pure bliss as I watch the blackness swirl around his irises faster and faster.


