Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

“Guys,” Chloe says quietly. “We have to get Alena back. There is no other choice.”

Looking at Chloe, I feel like a failure. A failure to Alena and the family. The first true test of the bond and I couldn’t keep my love safe.

But I can’t dwell on it when she’s in danger.

I can’t just sit back and allow this prophet to take her.

She’s fucking mine.

“Call the pack. I know we’re already indebted to them, but we have no other choice. See if they can set up a perimeter around the church,” I say. “They won’t be much help with the gargoyles, but they can handle the hunters if they work in pairs.”

Kian moves away from the table and starts making the call. Thankfully, his powers have always been strong with influencing people. He made a killing in the 80s as an up-and-coming stockbroker.

“I’ve got the inkling of a plan,” I add.

“Fuck.” Asher sighs. “There really isn’t any other way.”

Walking into the room, Caden drops two huge duffle bags full of weapons. “What’s everyone want?”

“We need blunt weapons for the gargoyles and blades for the hunters.” I frown. “At least most of us will.”

Chuckling, Asher flexes his arm, showing off his biceps. “I’ve got my blunt weapon right here, Raph.”

Chloe smirks at Asher. “I thought your blunt weapon was in your pants.”

We all groan.

“Gag me with a spoon.” Caden fakes a retch.

I pin Asher and Chloe with a glare. “Parents aren’t allowed to be sexual after they have kids.”

Asher says, “I’ll have you know—”

But Chloe quickly slaps a hand over his mouth. “We don’t want to traumatize the boys, dear.”

Kian yells from the kitchen, “I’ll take a sledgehammer!”

Chloe drops her hand from Asher’s mouth and snatches up a long dagger with a grin. “Found mine.”

“That will work, but you’ll be in the rearguard with Dav and the wolf pack,” Asher says.

“I’ll what?” Chloe stands up, her features tight with anger. “There’s no way I’ll let you go charging in there without me.”

“You have to, my love,” Asher says. “Not only is it not safe for you, but you have to think of our baby.”

Turning away from what’s surely going to be a fight I want nothing to do with, I grab a battle axe. It’s been centuries since I’ve held a weapon like this in my hands, but the old familiar feeling of it comes back quickly.

Nudging Maddox in the shoulder, I nod to the front door and walk outside.

Silently, he follows me out.

Maddox has never been a big talker. He only says something when he truly needs to. Most of the time he just pokes, elbows, or punches Caden to talk for him.

“No sense in being in there right now. Chloe isn’t going to like what Asher has to say,” I explain.

Andrei and Matthias come out of the house with their chosen weapons.

Looking over the two heavily damaged SUVs in the driveway, I ask, “Anyone know if they still work?”

Matthias pulls the keys from his pocket and walks over to the closest one. Opening the door, he gets in to start it up. A few loud coughs and a rumble comes from under the hood before the engine roars to life.

Getting out of the vehicle, Matthias says, “They’ll hear us coming from a couple of miles away.”

“Doesn’t matter,” I say. “Fuckers are probably already expecting us.”

“You sure about this?” Asher asks and looks at me.

I nod my head.

The wind is blowing in hard from where the doors of the SUV are missing. We ripped them off before leaving.

Every second will count when we reach the church. And we don’t want to waste time opening doors when we roll up. Everything we do must be fast.

Any type of delay on our part will only help the Order repel our attack.

“Dav says the front doors are guarded by hunters and there are gargoyles positioned on the roof. But the gargoyles look like they’ve turned back into statues,” Matthias says from the front seat. “The witch used far more power than was wise... Fucking animating gargoyles cost him a lot of energy.”

“So, what’s the plan, Raph?” Asher questions me.

“We can’t keep the fight outside. We have to breach the church to save Alena,” I explain. “They’re prepared for vampires, but not the pack. Dav’s going to send a couple of squads to harass the hunters guarding the perimeter. They’ll be divided between fighting us inside or the wolves outside.”

“Dav’s also been told to remove the head of any hunter that goes down. We don’t need vampires popping up behind us,” Matthias adds.

That was fucking good thinking on Matthias’s part. The last fucking thing we need is more vampires from the Order coming after our hides.

Asher nods. “So how do we breech the doors?”

“We don’t.” I grin at him. “Those fucking things are locked down and reinforced from our previous attack.”


