Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Tainting our connection… like Alena’s blood.

That evil bastard somehow attached something to our bond. Like a fucking parasite.

How the fuck?

The soul bond exists only between the vampire and their soulmarked.


No hitchhikers get to join.

Touching Alena’s face, I lean down and kiss her cheek. It’s so soft and warm… I can barely stand the joy it brings me to know my soulmarked is here, right before me.

I just need to fix this shit so that she can truly be mine.

Moving my lips to her ear, I whisper, “Come back to me, Alena.”

I want to push hard on our bond and make her obey. I want to force the other presence out of her. But I fear the bond might sever completely.

It’s been weak from the very beginning…

“She’s not waking,” Andrei mutters. His fingers pinch Alena’s arm hard. “It’s like she’s in a coma.”

A sudden shock of electricity jolts through my body and causes me to collapse to my knees. Every nerve and every synapse I possess is blazing as if they went up in flames.

“He’s hurting her!” I scream through the pain.

“Who?” Asher tries to take hold of me, but my arms push him away.

His touch causing me even more misery.

The pain quickly fades away, but a gnawing sadness grows inside me.

It’s the bond… All the pain is coming from the bond. Not from a direct attack on me.

Whatever my poor Alena is being put through, I can’t even imagine.

No, actually I can.

If I’m sharing this burden with her, then whatever she’s going through must be much worse.

“Fucker,” I snap.

Blood flies from my lips and lands on Alena’s arm.

Punching hard into the floor, my bones grind hard against the cement.

This motherfucker is torturing Alena.

“It’s through the bond?” Chloe asks as she moves to my side. “Isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I answer, my teeth clenching together. “It’s through the bond. He’s inside her. I can feel it. But he’s pushed me out of our shared world.”

Andrei practically leaps across the bed. His big hands grab me by the shoulders and lift me up to face him. “What shared world?”

I’m normally never weak, but what Alena and I are going through must be affecting me because I can barely budge his hands.

“Where we dream,” I grunt. “We can be with each other there.”

“And he’s inside of it with her?” Andrei asks.

“Yes! Didn’t I just fucking say that?!” I snap and try again to push him away from me.

Eyes lighting up, Andrei begins to smile. “Whoever this prophet is, he’s inside her.”

“Is there a fucking echo in this room?” I turn to look at Asher. “Because it feels like all I’m fucking doing is repeating myself!”

Letting go of me before Asher can respond, Andrei grabs hold of Chloe’s hand. “I need to get to my room.”

One second Andrei is holding on to Chloe’s hand and the next they’re both simply gone.

His face full of concern, Asher asks, “How bad is it inside her?”

I wince, my entire body throbbing with the echoes of her agony. “It’s hell. She’s being tortured by whatever that fucker is.”

Making my limbs obey my will, regardless of how much it hurts, I gently sit down beside Alena.

Feelings of guilt flood through me as I remember the pain she used as a barrier. A barrier to keep the outside world away.

That barrier is gone, though, and all the pain she’s kept locked up is tearing through her like a maelstrom of misery.

Wanting to wipe away some of the ugliness I accidentally spilled on her, I look for my blood on her porcelain skin.

“Asher…” I say.

My eyes keep searching her arm but I can’t find it.

“Yeah?” he says, as if he’s distracted. “They’ll be back soon. I can feel Chloe rushing Andrei.”

“Ash!” I snap at him. “Where’s my blood?”

“What?” Asher’s attention focuses back on me. “What blood?”

“My blood, you fuck. Where did my blood go?” I point to exactly where my bloody spit hit Alena’s arm.

Looking at what I’m pointing at, Asher moves closer. “I don’t see anything. Maybe you were imagining it? You’re under a lot of stress.”

“No.” I motion to the spot on her arm. “It was right fucking there.”

“I don’t know…” Asher says quietly. “Do it again.”

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that my blood hit her arm. I saw it happen. Vampires don’t simply forget or imagine things.

Lifting my hand to my mouth, I bite down on it. I’m so fucking full of blood that losing a little right now won’t affect me.

Moving my hand to her bare arm, I let the blood trickle onto her skin.

“Well fuck,” I grumble as the blood slowly dribbles off her arm and onto the sheet.

Asher starts to say, “Maybe—”

But falls silent at what happens before our very eyes.

The blood that remained on Alena’s arm slowly absorbs into her skin.

Asher shakes his head in disbelief.


