Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Another loud crack sounds out and I fight against the urge to bury my face in the Prophet’s shoulder just to relieve some of the pain.

After all, he’s the one that inflicted it upon me…

“Jeffrey, your repentance is complete. Stand and receive your new orders,” the Prophet commands as he continues to pet me.

“Yes, your holiness,” Jeffrey answers, tired and strained.

Eyes still squeezed shut, I hear Jeffrey grunt and groan as he gets to his feet.

“What will you have of this loyal servant, Your Holiness?” he asks without an ounce of irony in his voice.

“You and your holy brothers will destroy the vampires that have taken Alena from us,” the Prophet instructs with a mixture of anger and authority.

Dread rolls over me and I open my eyes to look at the Prophet. What did he learn from my memories? What information did I give him?

He doesn’t look back at me. Just continues to stroke and pet my head as he glares at Jeffrey.

“It will be done, Your Holiness,” Jeffrey responds obediently.

The Prophet smiles, showing his fangs, but the way he does it is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen. “You will also bring Mother Alena’s body to me, unharmed. Not a hair on her precious head is to be misplaced. Do you understand? I want her alive and breathing.”

All the air in my lungs rushes out of me as if I was just punched in the gut. Mother Alena? Since when have I ever been a Mother?

What does he plan to do with me?

I glance over at Jeffrey to see his reaction.

Standing tall with his shoulders thrown back, Jeffrey’s bare, muscular chest rises and falls heavily as blood streams down his body and drips from the whip still clutched in his hand.

Nostrils flaring as he meets my gaze, his eyes burn with undisguised hatred. Blaming me for everything. “Yes, Your Holiness, I understand. It will be done.”

The Prophet says, “Good,” but doesn’t sound the least bit pleased.

A moment later, the Prophet’s hand appears in front of me, and he gives a dismissive flick of his wrist. “In His name.”

Jeffrey bows his head, breaking eye contact with me, and says, “In His name.”

Then he disappears into thin air.

The gleaming puddle of blood where he knelt and stood the only thing left behind.

The Prophet’s fingers wrap around my chin and turn my full attention back to his face.

His creepy grin back in place and his black eyes smoldering at the edges with pleasure, he asks, “Now, my beautiful, precious child, what shall we do while we wait for him to bring you to me?”



My consciousness is slapped back to reality when my body slams into the basement wall.

That fucking bastard that appeared somehow physically pushed my body away from Alena and out of her dream.

“Asher! Get the fuck down here!” I bellow at the top of my lungs.

There’s no fucking way I’m going to allow that cunt force me away from my bonded.

Not today, not tomorrow.

Not fucking ever.

Forcing my aching body to slide back up the wall I just slid down, I feel my fangs ripping deep into my lips.

Alena needs to get out of there and back to our world.

Through the bond I sense that every second she’s in trapped in the dream, he’s torturing her.

“Andrei!” I roar.

I want to know what that sick fuck did to me and do it right back to him.

Something’s changed inside of me. I’ve never been one to wallow in self-pity.


Never have I done so much fucking bellyaching.

It’s like this shroud of all my worst insecurities was suppressing me.

Those feelings are gone now.

And now I’m just really fucking pissed.

Furious enough that the rage inside me is threatening to release the beast.

Asher’s the first to arrive, practically ripping the door off the hinges.

“What is it?” he asks as he takes in the scene around him.

Andrei’s next to enter. He does a quick survey of the room before swiftly moving toward Alena.

“Something’s wrong,” I growl, and my hand reaches up to my head as an electrical ache crawls through my brain. “Whatever this twat she called the prophet is, he’s fucking dug into her head. He’s inside our bond.”

“What?” Chloe asks when she appears out of thin air.

“I… I don’t know,” I grunt and grimace.

My head hurts so fucking bad, I can’t think straight.

I’ve never experienced a pain like this. Not in all my years.

Stumbling over to my beloved’s side, the whole room tilts on its side.

The violent urge to vomit everywhere twists my guts.

There’s so much blood sloshing around in my stomach, I’m afraid I’m going to lose it all on the floor.

I can’t let a drop go to waste. This blood is meant for Alena. She’ll need it when I can turn her.

Trying to push into the bond, I meet resistance, but it’s not Alena’s wall. It’s something else entirely. Something sick and insidious clinging to the threads that bind us.


