Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet
Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
In the past, when Jeffrey would beat me, sometimes I’d be able to block out some of the pain.
But it required a lot of cheek and tongue biting.
I’ve never been able to block out all the pain before. If I knew I could do it, I would have used it often and liberally.
Raphael narrows his eyes and I watch, totally disconnected, as his features tighten with tension like he’s concentrating hard on a mental problem.
“Undo it, Alena,” he grits out between clenched fangs and teeth. “Let me back in.”
“Back in where?” I ask, not understanding the request.
His face falls and he rasps as if he’s in misery, “You’ve severed our soul bond. Our connection…”
Still not comprehending what he’s saying, I ask, “What soul bond? What connection?”
“The one that binds our souls eternally together,” he says, his flickering gaze filling with horror.
I purse my lips to the side in thought, unemotionally trying to put together the pieces. “Was that the pressure I felt behind my ribs?”
He hesitates for a moment, looking uncertain, before he answers hoarsely, “Yes.”
“Oh… well… yes. I suppose I have blocked it off then,” I admit.
Though, I still have no idea how I did it.
His fingers tighten in my hair, but I only feel awareness of it. No other sensation. “Why?”
“Probably because it was becoming too uncomfortable,” I answer.
“Uncomfortable?” he chokes out as if I insulted him.
“Yes,” I confirm. “It was beginning to hurt, so I decided to... I don’t know? Ease it?”
His body stiffens and silence fills the car.
Figuring he’s done with his questions, I turn my attention to the window beside me. Peering out, I take in the bright, sun-kissed world. Grateful that for once my eyeballs don’t want to melt into my skull.
I don’t know where we are, but it looks like we’re leaving the city behind. More and more bushes and trees begin to spring up, and the green space between the buildings stretches wider, as if it’s purposely pushing them apart.
When the road is swallowed by a forest full of old, thick trees that blot out the sky, I think of Father McCall.
How can I possibly find him?
How can I remember what happened?
“Alena,” Raphael says softly, then my face is turning back to him.
His hand in my hair guiding me.
I start to ask him what he wants.
But before I can form a syllable, his lips are suddenly crushing against my lips in a needy kiss.
I feel no pain, though, as the force of it bends my neck back. Only surprise at the suddenness.
I’ve never been kissed before.
No man has ever dared to touch me in such a way. And I don’t know how to defend myself against it.
I’m completely out of my element as butterflies take flight in my stomach and my skin tingles as if I’m being touched by magic.
I thought I was completely numb, but I guess not.
Apparently, I can still feel things that feel good…
His mouth pushes and pushes against mine, demanding some kind of entrance, and I can’t stop myself from getting swept up in the moment.
With all the physical and emotional hurt turned off, there’s nothing to help me from falling headfirst into the onslaught of new sensations.
My head grows light and everything around me begins to spin.
Reaching out, I grab his shirt and clutch it in my fists. Needing an anchor to keep me from falling off the edge of the world.
“Let me in,” he demands.
Then he pulls hard on my lips, almost sucking them into his mouth.
Electricity zips through me and something deep inside me clenches.
I gasp, and his tongue immediately sweeps past my parted lips.
When his tongue strokes against my tongue, whatever strength I had left flees my body.
My very bones weaken as he devours my mouth. Each hungry pull of his lips tugging on an invisible string connected to my core.
“Open for me,” he growls down my throat.
Not understanding what he wants, I try to open my mouth wider, thinking there must be a deeper way to kiss.
But this seems to only frustrate him.
His tongue lashes at mine and he sends another growl down my throat. “Let me in.”
Wanting to please him as much as he’s pleasing me, I allow myself to give into the compulsion without a second thought.
As if I’ve always known to what to do, known how to accept him, I open a space inside me that’s always been closed.
My ribs immediately begin to throb in rhythm with my heart, and heat fills me, pooling between my thighs.
“Yes,” he groans into my mouth with so much pleasure I can’t stop myself from squirming on his lap. “That’s it, my stars. My love. Show me your beautiful heart.”
His pleasure feeding my pleasure, I press closer and thrust my tongue hard against his tongue.
I want more.
So much more.
I didn’t even know such good feelings were even possible.