Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Before she can respond, the Prophet is using one finger to tip my chin up to look at him. “This must be hard for you.”

I let my eyes fill with sadness and try to speak, but nothing comes out.

My throat is completely blocked.

The Prophet says quietly, “It will be even harder when you watch your bonded and all his brethren die. For you, I’ll make their deaths long and terrible. Old vampires can last years impaled on spikes, if you don’t remove their heads. I’ll show you my collection one day.”

The Prophet tugs on my hand and I’m tempted to dig in my heels.

To spit in his face.

To tear off his head.

Follow him, my inner bitch snarls.

“Brothers and Sisters! It’s time to prepare for battle! Ready your arms!” a new voice booms out behind us.

A voice I’d recognize anywhere.

Casting a glance over my shoulder as the Prophet leads me behind the altar table, I see Father Dominic stepping behind the pulpit.

Knock over that candle! my inner bitch screams at me.

Swiping out my free arm, I knock over every candle and holy decoration in my path.

One candle tumbles off the edge of the altar and lands on the robe pooling around the Prophet’s feet.

The Prophet releases a roar as the bottom of his robe catches on fire.

Now you can bite him! my inner bitch squeals with glee.

Yanking my hand out of his grasp, I jump on the Prophet’s back and sink my teeth in his neck.

The Prophet’s body jerks and twitches beneath me as I focus all my hatred for him into my bite.

I don’t gift him the bliss I’ve given others.

He doesn’t deserve it.

I give him a pleasure so excruciating it’s beyond agonizing.

Roaring in misery, he tries to buck me off his back.

Wrapping my legs tight around his waist, I suck and suck on his neck with every bit of fury and rage boiling in my veins.

My throat magically blocked off, I don’t have to worry about swallowing his blood. It just flows out of my mouth, soaking my front and his back.

Wave after wave of violent, savage pleasure racks through him. Causing him to struggle to stomp out the flames licking up his legs.

I think I deserve a better name now, my inner voice says. I’m tired of being called bitch.

Name? I repeat as my mouth continues to suck hard.

I’ll be damned if this fucker gets any gratification out of this.

Yes, a name, my inner bitch says like I’m dumb. And it should be badass, considering I just saved your ass.

Is that so? I laugh as the Prophet begins to sink to his knees, right into the ring of fire.

Yes! my inner bitch insists.

I bury my fangs deeper into the Prophet’s neck and ignore the flames that are licking at my thighs. How about Fredricka?

You’re the bitch! Fredricka screams.



Fucking Asher and the damn war council he’s trying to call us into.

This shit isn’t fucking going to work. We don’t have time to plan or strategize.

We need to fucking move.

“I don’t give a fuck!” I roar. “There’s no plan that’s going to work on this short notice.”

“I agree,” Matthias says and rests his hand on my shoulder. “Even if Alena wasn’t in danger, we need to move against the Order and the witch now.”

“It’s a fucking witch,” Andrei spits out. “We can’t go traipsing into the den of the lion without a plan.”

Looking around the room, I say, “I don’t give two fucks what the rest of you want to do. But they have my bonded, and I can’t… I can’t wait.”

The bond I share with Alena closed off a few minutes ago, and it’s like the world has collapsed around me.

There’s no light in my heart.

No happiness.


Just a giant fucking void.

I remember this void. I lived with it every day before finding her.

But it’s fucking worse now.

I now know the joy of finally being whole.

I know the meaning of happiness and love.

Ambrose lost his soulmarked and it drove him insane.

How will losing my Alena affect me?


I can’t live without her. The pain alone will kill me.

“We need to ensure our survival,” Asher says. “I agree we need to move, and move quickly, but we need to be smart about it. This so-called prophet is a witch and a vampire. How the fuck that came about is beyond me. But witches are not something to be trifled with. It’s powers… We know what they can do.”

“We do,” Matthias says, then points at his own chest. “Firsthand knowledge right here. But what some of you are failing to understand is that little show of force he just did took a lot of energy. Animating that many gargoyles was no simple task. He’ll be weaker now. We need to strike and strike fast.”

“How certain are you?” Kian asks.

“Deadly certain,” Matthias says. “I’ll stake my life on it if I have to. We cannot give him time to rest. If he rests, we all die.”


