The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

“Then what is it?” I gritted my teeth.

“You’re supposed to be overtaken by my mist and allow me to make love to you.”

“That red fog you pushed out of your face was the mist?”

“Yes. It’s a part of being a king. It gets women in the mood to breed.”

“I don’t want to breed with you.” I hurried to the door. “And I’m definitely not in the mood.”

“Don’t leave.” He backed away. “It seems my nephew has chosen well. You are quite a loyal queen. I’ll need to feed my cocks to another.”

I swallowed and turned around. “Cocks?”

He pulled out two large and thick erections. They sat right on top of each other and pointed at me like two meaty swords.

My mouth dropped open. Never before had I seen anything like it.

Most of me filled with terror at the monstrosity of one man possessing two erections.

Whereas, a tiny part of me, deep inside the dark areas of my body, moistened with curiosity and desired to experience the things he could do with them.

No. That wouldn’t be right.

“You’re curious. Aren’t you?” He slipped both of his hands to their mushroomed tips.

A low moan ripped from his throat.

He rocked into his hand and stroked himself some more.

My body’s temperature increased. I gritted my teeth and battled with myself to turn around and leave.

My breasts felt so heavy and a fiery awareness brushed against my body, rubbing back and forth between my thighs like a lover’s caress.

I didn’t want to have sex with Ian, but as he continued to pump his tight fists with those two engorged weapons and gaze at me with hooded eyes, I didn’t want to look away. It was like I was hypnotized by his desire and wanted to see the end of his torture, to witness how much he could come from just looking at me.

“When Xander was between your legs, the room was thick with your arousal.” He squeezed his cocks’ tips and licked his lips. “I would have cum if my cocks hadn’t already rotted away.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. Ian’s mentioning of Xander was all I needed to return back to reality. “I won’t have sex with you. I already have a lover that I’m more than satisfied with. I need your help and I want to trust you, but—”

“You can trust me.” Ian blew out a breath of fresh air. “You’ve given me back my body and I can feel my power returning. I’m grateful to you.”

“This doesn’t show me your gratitude.”

“Again, you’re correct. I tend to go too far. I won’t ever hurt or take advantage of you.”

I opened my eyes and turned away from him. “Then put. . .them away.”

“Where should I put them? Please tell me and I will immediately oblige. Where can I put them, little queen?”

“In your pants,” I said through clenched teeth.

“As you wish.”

The sound of fabric moving came from behind me. I opened my eyes and prayed it was Ian closing his pants. Metal screeched. The bathroom door ripped off of its hinges.

And then, Xander growled and charged into the room.

Chapter 26

Blood Chains


The air ran thick with rage.

“Xander, don’t!” I stumbled back from the sight of his huge, bulging form.

His body was pumped up twice as large as it normally was. It frightened and amazed me. Heat and fury radiated from his skin. His fists clenched in defiance.

I held my hands up. “Let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain.” Xander blurred into the bathroom and knocked Ian into the wall.

The metal cracked from the impact. Shards exploded around them. Xander sneered in front of Ian, their noses only an inch away. The thick curve of Xander’s horns smashed into the wall on each side of Ian’s face.

To my surprise, Ian only leaned back with a bored expression.

Xander’s voice thundered. “Should I be concerned, my queen?”

“N-no.” I hurried to him and touched his bulging back. His hot skin seared my hands. I jerked my fingers back. “Nothing sexual happened and nothing sexual was going to happen.”

Xander growled, “This vampire’s pants are open and he’s hard.”

“She’s beautiful. Of course I have erections.” Ian smiled. “But sadly, your queen has no intentions of sleeping with me.”

“Ian?” Xander yanked his horns back and stepped away in shock. “You have eyes.”

I seized the opportunity to slide between them. “Calm down, Xander. I gave Ian my blood for more information. His body is returning to him. He got a little carried away, but I handled it.”

“I’m here to help you both.” Ian did an awkward bow.

“And how, pray tell, do your pants being open represent help?” Xander’s fangs burst into view.

“As she said, I got a bit carried away. I apologize.” Ian’s lips formed into a straight line. “I hope you can accept my humble apology.”

“I do.” I turned to Xander. “Trust me. Absolutely nothing was going to happen. I’m not interested in him.”


