The Top Dog – Part 2 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #2) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 97951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 490(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“Sam, I think you took me for a fool. You know still waters run deep. Just ’cause I wasn’t the loudest in the family didn’t mean I can’t go BOOM. You and me got some business to tend to. What kinda flowers would you like on your tombstone?”

“LENNY, NO!!! OH, GOD! Don’t kill me!” Sam shouted and Lennox stood over him, pointing the gun down at his head. “LENNY, IT WAS GRANDPA! PLEASE DON’T SHOOT ME, MAN! I’D NEVER CROSS YOU ON PURPOSE IN A MILLION, TRILLION YEARS! IT WAS GRANDPA! I SWEAR! It wasn’t my idea!”

Another flash of light, and more screams, this time from Sammy boy, rent the air.

He dragged Sam outside, bloodied, beaten and bruised, then slapped a thick layer of electrical tape over his mouth. ‘Take Me to the River’ played on repeat from his truck. Lennox jammed the bastard in the passenger’s seat of the vehicle, then made quick work of tying his hands and feet with twine and tape. He hummed to the music as he did, really getting into the groove of things.

“You know Sam, it’s hotter than blue blazes tonight. It’s a good thing you’re wearing only boxers. Wouldn’t want you to pass out from the heat, now would we? I want you to see and feel what is comin’ your way, boy. It ain’t no fun if you aren’t conscious to watch the show!” He squeezed the knot around his ankles, drawing a painful whine from Sam. “It’s a damn shame it had to come to this… I’m sure Grandpa neglected to explain the danger he put you in by sending you out there to mess with my woman. Now you have to pay the piper.”

The poor fool groaned. His eyes glazed over and he was losing strength fast.

“You’re home, but the porch light ain’t on. Still, you had to know better, didn’t you? Wanted to be a big shot and show off. Prove to the old man that you had grit. Had what it takes to be a true Wilde boy. So, because of that, you’ll have to face the consequences.”

Sam started banging his head all around the vehicle. Twisting and turning as if he were on fire. Lennox delivered a gunshot in the air.

“Settle down.”

BANG! Lennox shot the gun in the air one more time as he stood right outside the passenger’s side door.

Sam kept moving, driving his head into the dashboard, fighting for his life.


“MMMMM!!!! MMMMM!!!!” The bastard moaned in agony.

“Yup. I shot ya. You’re a hard-headed motherfucker, ain’t cha?” Lennox chuckled. “Pipe down. It’s just a flesh wound. You’ll be all right. Ya hear that, lady?!” he hollered. “Your little half-witted fuckboy toy with a brain made of stale cotton candy just got bit by a bullet! So fuckin’ dumb he could throw himself on the ground and still miss!” Lennox slammed the passenger’s side door, jumped in the driver’s seat, and headed out of there, singing loudly to the music.

He drove slowly but surely until he reached a desolate stretch of dirt road, out in the middle of nowhere. The sky had begun to lighten a bit, but the darkness still had a stronghold. He took Sam out of the truck, grabbed his duffle bag, and dragged him to one of the old trees out there in the big field where the grass and weeds reached up to one’s knees.

“Well, this is as good a spot as any. You like tree houses, Sam?”

The bastard’s eyes swelled as sweat dripped down his face. Mumbles and murmurs came from his covered mouth—none he could understand.

“This might just be your final resting place. Right here out yonder. If you’re lucky though, you’ll come out of this lil’ situation alive. If you’re not so lucky, and it has come to my attention that you’re not the lucky sort considering how you got turned every which way but loose by the bouncers in the gentlemen’s club, then you’ll die here. Alone. I’d prefer the latter. You couldn’t find your ass with both hands in your back pockets. No need for you to take up valuable oxygen that someone worthier could enjoy.” Lennox stretched and strained as he tied Sam to the tree, arms and legs spread wide.

He reached into his duffle bag, pulled out a camera, and placed it on another tree nearby, pointed in Sam’s direction.

“Now see, from wherever I am, I can see you on this here camera, right from my phone. I’ll be able to know everything you do. Not that you can do too much. The problem with this area of town, Sam, is it’s chock full of cottonmouth snakes, copperheads and bobcats. The grass is too dang high. The moon is still out. That means it’s still huntin’ time and plenty of hidin’ places for critters to crouch down and hide, watch you from a distance before they make their move. A nice warm, bloody body like yours, the scent waftin’ in the wind like barbecue? Well, hell… You’ll look like a juicy steak, ripe for the chomping.”


