The Top Dog – Part 2 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #2) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 97951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 490(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“Keep movin’ Lennox,” barked one of the guards.

“You proud of yourself, Uncle Danny?” The man looked straight ahead like some British Royal Palace guard, hand on gun. “You were adopted, but you’re still family. I never treated you any different than my other uncles. We ain’t got the same blood, but you still ended up being a damn fool. Pathetic. Blood ain’t thicker than water after all.”

The sentinels shepherded him into a large sitting room decorated in the Victorian style, in addition to large, antique paintings of cowboys wrestling wildlife and a few hunted treasures: wild boar heads mounted to the walls, their eyes glassy and their horns shining. There was a large antique cream-colored piano in the middle of the room, and the entire floor was covered in an expensive dark blue, violet, and bright red Oriental rug. The room smelled of orchids and cigar smoke. Lennox was led to a small table where two chairs were situated. On the table sat a big, sophisticated bottle of whiskey, two whiskey glasses, a silver eagle-shaped lighter, and two neatly laid out Cuban cigars.

“Sit down.” He was nudged in the back with the tip of a rifle into one of the chairs. Lennox took his seat and placed his suitcase by his foot. Through unseen speakers, Barrett Strong’s, ‘Money’ came through crystal clear. He lowered his gaze and concentrated on Nadia, saying her name over and over in his mind. He could practically smell her perfume, feel her lips against his. He fantasized about their wedding and honeymoon, picturing every detail as he sat there in the lion’s den. That calmed him, filled him with pride and hope.

Loud, slow footsteps approached, jerking him out of his peace of mind. He kept his head down, the image of his soon-to-be-bride remaining ingrained in his head, and that’s where it would stay to get him through this moment.

Nobody is going to keep me from gettin’ married to that woman. I have to be alive, to have her and all we have worked for. We’re a team. Ain’t nobody bad enough on this Earth to keep me away from my woman…

A hand touched his shoulder. A heavy hand. A threatening hand. He didn’t look up, but straight ahead.

“Lennox… my sneaky, strapping, unloyal and unfaithful grandson.” Grandpa chuckled light and easy as he took his seat beside him. “How are ya, boy?” Grandpa asked, shifting in his seat. Lennox looked back towards the large doors of the room before answering. The two gunmen were there. Uncle Danny and some nobody. Danny with his back turned, the other staring right back at him.

“I’m doin’ mighty fine, Grandpa.”

“That’s so good to hear. I’m glad your sister convinced you to meet with me. It’s been a rough year for all of us.” Grandpa grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and coughed into it. “The cleanin’ folks was here today gettin’ rid of some old stuff from one of the guest rooms. Kicked up a lotta dust. Not a room that’s used too often. My allergies have been flaring lately, and that made it worse.” Grandpa leaned forward, his gun on his hip peeking out a bit, and poured them both a glass of whiskey. He then pulled out an envelope from his suit jacket, opened it, and removed a folded stack of papers, placing them down on the table.

“I’m going to get right to it, Lennox. Even though I threatened to do it, I decided not to, out of the kindness of my heart. I haven’t told your grandparents about your dead mama’s lust problems, how she was climbing on dick after dick for cash. Unfortunately though, and there’s no easy way to say this, your father blurted it out to them while he was in one of his many states of intoxication. He confessed to me. The problem is, I’m not sure he remembers, so…” Grandpa shrugged. “Anyway, the threat turned into reality, but not due to me. Now, I already explained to your dear sister, Silva, that I am prepared to fix all of this. Just as I fixed things so you wouldn’t spend time in prison. I’m gonna fly to Lebanon and make all of this right as rain. Before we get to that though, you and I need to settle an important matter.”

Lennox looked straight ahead. He fixed his gaze on a large oil painting of a red-headed woman with porcelain skin, holding a chubby baby while her cowboy husband trotted off down a tumbleweed covered path.

“The whiskey and cigars are in celebration. Once we complete this today, I’d like a toast. First, we’ve got to get the business out of the way. This here is a revised contract, grandson.” He placed his hand once again on his shoulder. “I’m compromising with you. Something I’m not known to do very often. I’ve decided to not drudge up your criminal record to the authorities. Well, criminal record that you should have had on account of the mess you got yourself in. I had to keep the cops off you for murdering all of those fine folks while you were in college. The contract killin’. I’m sure you remember how I saved your ass, and you didn’t even offer me a ‘thank you.’” Grandpa sucked his teeth and shook his head. “I took it off the table. Don’t want none of my kin servin’ unnecessary prison time no how. Plus, it just doesn’t look good.”


