The King’s Men Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #3)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 145402 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 582(@250wpm)___ 485(@300wpm)

Wymack called his team to the Home bench and restarted practice with a blistering pep talk. He got through to the upperclassmen first. When he cast them onto the court for scrimmages Dan swallowed her resentment long enough to pull Aaron and Nicky aside. She and Matt had a couple ideas they wanted the backliners to try, so they held an impromptu powwow on the first-fourth line. Aaron listened because he had to, but he didn't look at Dan and didn't say anything.

Tuesday was fractionally better, and that was only because Dan's group was making an active effort to get along with everyone. Aaron was unmoved by their act, Nicky clung desperately to any hint of warmth he could get, and Andrew was his usual uninterested self on the outskirts. Kevin spent an hour tearing into the cousins, then directed all his angry energy at whipping the upperclassmen into shape. He spared only a few caustic words for Neil, and Neil wasted no words at all on Kevin.

When Wymack dismissed them for break Andrew immediately set off down the length of the court wall. Renee glanced at Neil. Neil wasn't sure it was an invitation until he turned toward her and got an approving smile. He was keenly aware that they were attracting attention as they set off after Andrew, but Neil didn't look back at anyone. There was a good chance the others didn't want him hanging out with the goalies, and it wasn't because it meant he and Kevin were still on the outs. The Foxes might be leery of Andrew and Renee's friendship, but there was over three hundred dollars in the pot on their would-be relationship working out. Neil distracted them from each other.

Neil harbored no such illusions about Renee's chances. Besides, Renee did a good enough job distracting herself. She faded out of the conversation several times to check her phone and tap out quick messages. Neil picked up a little of the slack because they were planning evacuation routes and critical supply stops in case of a zombie invasion. Surviving on the run was Neil's forte and, even though it was a ridiculous scenario, it was interesting to see how his priorities compared with theirs. Renee stressed the importance of collecting survivors, which Andrew shot down immediately.

"You wouldn't go back for anyone?" Renee asked.

Andrew turned his hand over. "I can count them on one hand."

"I think Coach would be good in a fight," Renee said as they passed the benches again. Wymack glanced their way, hearing his name, but only needed a moment to realize they weren't talking to him. "He's got a weapons permit, too."

"He sold the gun when I kept breaking into his apartment," Andrew said.

"What about Abby?"

"What use is she to me?" Andrew asked. "You can't bandage a zombie bite and she wouldn't let us execute the infected. Besides, Coach wouldn't let her leave his sight. Let him keep her safe as long as he can."

Renee conceded the point with a nod, and the conversation moved on to less crazy ideas. It stuck with Neil, though, and he tuned out their next debate. He wondered what he'd do if an invasion really happened. Neil was used to cutting all ties and hitting the ground running. Chances were it'd be instinctive to abandon all of them if the undead put in a ravenous appearance. It wasn't exactly an uplifting realization, but Neil could accept the ugly truths about himself.

"Oh," Renee said, checking her newest message. "Excuse me."

She cut away from them and went up the stairs, phone already at her ear. Andrew slanted a look at Neil as they continued on without her. "Jean," he said. "Care to explain that?"

"I didn't know Kevin passed his number along," Neil said, looking over his shoulder. Renee didn't go far, just up a couple rows where she could make her call in relative privacy. Andrew said nothing, so Neil shrugged. "He seemed interested in her when we saw the Ravens at the banquet. I'm hoping she can weaken his blind loyalty." Neil thought about it a moment longer, then said, "Maybe that's why Matt stopped betting on the two of you?"

Andrew didn't answer, and they finished the lap in silence.

Since Andrew's weekly therapy was no longer mandatory and the Foxes were down to two cars, Andrew skipped his Wednesday afternoon session with Dobson. Neil remembered he hadn't talked to Andrew about his insurance policy yet and he made a mental note to pull Andrew aside at some point. He thought he could sneak time in on break, but the conversation was never at a lull when they passed the benches and Neil couldn't exactly drive Renee off mid-sentence. His chance didn't come until they were back at Fox Tower.

"Andrew," he said when they piled out of the rental car. Nicky rocked to a stop and sent him a curious look. Kevin and Aaron didn't wait but followed the upperclassmen to the dorm. Neil shook his head at Nicky and, when that subtle dismissal didn't work, said, "We'll be up in a minute. Keep an eye on them."

Nicky grimaced and turned away. "Easier said than done."

Neil watched until the last of the Foxes disappeared inside, then scanned the parking lot with a slow look. The school had done a good job of putting the place back to order; the only sign that anything bad had happened was that there were fewer cars than usual. The presence of a few trucks and SUVs said some athletes had already started getting their vehicles back, but at least half the cars were unfamiliar.

"Have you heard back from the shop?" Neil asked, dragging his attention back to Andrew. "Matt got a call this morning saying his truck would be ready for pickup tomorrow. Allison should have hers back Saturday morning. Can they fix yours?"

Andrew flipped his phone open, pressed a couple buttons, and handed it over. Neil waited, mystified, until Andrew's voicemail started playing on speaker. A mechanical voice announced Tuesday's date, and a sobering message followed. The damage was even more extensive than it'd appeared; the garbage in back had hidden whatever the Raven fans did to the backseat cushions, and none of them had looked in the trunk before the car was towed. The shop wanted Andrew to call them back to talk about his options and discuss what it would take to restore the car to its former glory.


