The King’s Men Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #3)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 145402 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 582(@250wpm)___ 485(@300wpm)

"You think he made a mistake marking you?" a reporter asked.

"You don't think you deserve the number?" another said at the same time.

Neil affected surprise at their misunderstanding. "I don't think he deserves us," he said, and gestured between himself and Kevin, "but that's neither here nor there."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I'm going to be honest," Neil said. "I know Riko's good. Everyone does. His uncle's name has gotten him pretty far in life and the Ravens have an impressive record. But Riko as a person is hard to respect. Up until December, I figured he was an egocentric maniac who was so desperate for his own glory he refused to see the potential in anyone else. He, of course, assumed I was a know-nothing from nowhere with no right to have an opinion.

"This Christmas we tried to meet halfway," Neil said. "Riko invited me to practice with the Ravens over the holidays so I could see the discrepancy between our two teams. This is what we walked away with." Neil gestured to the tattoo on his cheekbone. "He admitted he was wrong about me, and I promised to live up to his expectations. We're never going to be friends and we'll definitely never like each other, but we'll work around each other for as long as we have to."

"There was a rumor you might transfer to Edgar Allan."

"It was mentioned while I was there," Neil said, "but we both know it'll never happen. I'll never get where I need to be if I play with the Ravens. Besides, I could barely tolerate them for two weeks. I can't imagine playing with them for four years. They're horrible human beings.

"But you know what?" Neil said before the reporters could respond. "That's petty. I said I'd be honest, but that was a little too transparent. Let's say this instead: we promised the Ravens a rematch this spring, so I'll cheer them all the way to finals. If Riko didn't think we could meet them there, he wouldn't have marked me or flown halfway across the country to watch us play tonight. He knows we have a chance. He just hasn't figured out yet that we're going to win the next time we meet. Keep an eye on us, won't you? It's going to be an exciting year.

"Good night," he said when they started to ask him questions. He turned and headed for the locker room like he didn't hear them calling after him.

Dan's delighted laughter said she was following him, but he didn't look to see if Andrew and Kevin were with her. The locker room door banged closed behind them, muffling most of the noise from the crowd, and Neil caught the tail-end of Kevin's sour complaint. Neil's temper flared hot again and this time he didn't choke it back. He turned and shoved Kevin into the door as hard as he could. Kevin had the better part of a foot on him and could easily take Neil in a fight, but he was too startled to defend himself. Dan gaped at Neil. Andrew, who'd attacked Matt for hitting Kevin, took a neat step out of the way. Neither of them was going to interfere, so Neil tuned them out in favor of Kevin.

"Enough," Neil said, in fast and furious French. "Don't ever try to censor me again. I am not going to let him dictate how I end this."

"You are going to bring him down on all of us," Kevin shot back. "You don't think."

"You aren't thinking either. You can't be afraid of him anymore."

"It is not a switch you turn on and off. You of all people know this." Kevin finally pushed Neil off him, but he didn't try to get past Neil. "You did not grow up with him. You do not get to judge me."

"I'm not judging you. I'm telling you it's past time to stand your ground. What's the point of any of this if you're still his pet at the end of the day? If you really believed in us—if you really believed in yourself—you'd push back."

"You don't understand."

"I don't," Neil said hotly. "You have a way out. You have a future. So why won't you take it? Why are you so afraid to take it?"

Just like that his anger was cracking, breaking apart of the weight of premature grief and too much need. The way Kevin's expression faded from irritated to intent said he heard that hoarse edge in Neil's words. Neil struggled to hold onto his rage and bulled on.

"When I first found out about the Moriyamas, I stayed because I thought you had a chance. One of us had to make it and I wanted it to be you. But you still believe in that number on your face. What's so important about being second-best?"

Kevin looked at Andrew, not that Andrew could follow any of this argument. It turned out it wasn't a bid for help, because Kevin said, "When we tried to sign Andrew to the Ravens, he said the same thing. He said I didn't interest him because I made a career of coming second. I don't want this, but I'm not like you." The look Kevin shot Neil was frustrated, but the anger in it was more self-directed than anything. "I have always been Riko's. I know more than anyone what happens when you defy a Moriyama."

"You know," Neil agreed. "But they already took everything away from you. What else do you have to lose?"

Kevin didn't answer. Neil gave him a minute, then turned away. Wymack was waiting at the end of the hall with his arms crossed and an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. He quirked a brow at Neil as Neil headed his way.

"I don't know if you recall, but we won," Wymack said. "Any particular reason you're trying to kill the good mood?"

"Just a difference of opinions," Neil said, as calmly as he could manage. He hesitated halfway through the changing room door and looked back at Wymack. "Oh, and sorry in advance about the press. In my defense, they started it."


