The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“That’s a great question, and I looked into that. It’s been way past four years. That’s the statute of limitations in Las Vegas. Now, you’d think that would mean this was over and done with, and that grandpa doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Wrong. They can’t prosecute, but it could still impact my job if they found out. In fact, I guarantee that it would.” Lennox nodded in understanding. “You can’t be a broker, analyst or Associate at Goldman Sachs, period, havin’ been accused of any federal crimes, especially those dealing with mismanagement of funds, or theft. Now sure, it would be illegal to fire me without a conviction, but my reputation would be trashed, and in this business, your reputation and track record is half the battle. Clients would drop me so fast it would make your head spin. Bottom line? I’ve got to get that book back. Without it, it’s his word against mine.”

“How do you plan to do that?”

“Well, first I need to figure out where that fucking piece of vintage dirt has hidden it. I’ve been wracking my brains on how to get that information. Just like he told me he knew that whatever filth he’d get on me would be well hidden, the same would be the case with where he put my shit.”

“Grandpa isn’t stupid, Roman. He knows you well enough to understand that you won’t just do whatever he says. He’s going to make you beg for it, and then he’ll have you.”

“I’m not beggin’ a motherfucker for shit. Especially not him. He thinks my greed for money and control will cause me to fail. My greed for the new life I’ve created for myself, through blood, sweat and tears. He believes I’ll sell out to stay on top of the mountain.”

“Well, I know you have to handle this for yourself, or you won’t be free from the blood contract he’s bonded us in, but I’m willin’ to help, just like you and Kage helped me. I did the work, and y’all helped create a fence of protection. I extend the same to you. You just let me know when and how.”

Roman nodded as he rotated the ring on his right middle finger. A gold ram with ruby eyes. “He should’ve never fucked with me and taken my shit. I’ve had fantasies of shooting him in his damn mouth or rippin’ his tongue out, so we never have to hear him threaten anyone again.”

“I’m sure you’re not the only one.” Lennox sighed. “He’d just write his threats down.” They both chuckled at that.

“Grandpa thinks I’m this silly clown who goes around with sticky fingers, crunchin’ numbers, watching trends, crackin’ jokes, dressing in nice suits and smiling with investors at luncheons in five-star restaurants… Nah, I’m somethin’ to be concerned about. I’m somebody else behind closed doors. I’m a motherfuckin’ problem.” Lennox’s eyes fixed on him, and he smirked. He knew it was true. What was understood didn’t need to be explained. Roman took a deep breath.

“So, to finish what I was clarifying, the deranged religious zealot sent a revised contract yesterday. See, when he initially kidnapped all of us, he didn’t have anything on me yet, so he left the punishment for my so-called treasonous ways vague. After the abduction, and when he obtained that journal from a raid in my home, it was a whole new ball game. I didn’t admit to it when he brought it to my attention, and I didn’t deny it, either. If he wants to play ball, we can play ball. He chose to fuck with me, and it’s going to be one of his greatest regrets. He got me falsely arrested, caused me to have a fight with some caveman, had some weird fucker followin’ me while I was out on a date, and now this. He’s showing his hand. He knows verbal threats don’t move me. Insults about me and my family change nothin’, either. I simply don’t give a fuck, and that drives him crazy—but this? This he knows is a sword he can swing, and it won’t miss.” He slurped the last of of his gifted beverage.

“All because he wants to use you to help keep money flowin’ through the pipeline. He wants you to put your career at risk to help him invest, by cheating and stealing from your own clients. That’s insane.”

“To him it makes perfect sense. In his world, family comes before everything. Blood is best, even if that blood is tainted and rotten.” Roman stood to his feet and Lennox followed suit. “I have to head out. Thanks for the smoothie and givin’ me a few minutes of your time.”

Lennox rounded his desk and wrapped his arms around him, taking Roman a bit off guard. “Let me walk you out.”


