The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“No, like I said, it was a courtesy. I don’t ask permission from any damn body on who I am datin’, but since you’re my friend and we go way back, I thought it would be only fair.” He heard Tony huff on the other end. At this point, he imagined his friend would try to swing on him if they were face to face. “Where is it written that I can’t date my friend’s sister, man? If anything, you’d want her to—”

“JUST STOP IT! You know this is forbidden territory. Totally off-limits—and fuck you and this courtesy bullshit. You ain’t doin’ me no favors. This was selfish, and all about you. I will fuck yo’ ass up, Roman. If this were reversed, you wouldn’t like it, either.”

“I don’t have any sisters and you’re married, but if you weren’t married and I had a sister, I would have no problems with you dating her.”


“I’m serious.”

“My sister is very special to me, man. I can’t have you messing with her. She’s a really sweet person, but she’s also not a fool. She’s not like these dingbats you’re used to runnin’ game on.”

“Well then, if she’d not a fool or dingbat, why don’t you let her make the choice for herself? All this rage could be for nothing.” He shrugged. He saw an email notification pop up about a meeting he had later in the afternoon. “If I’m not her type, she’ll turn me down for a date, and that’ll be the end of it. The best part, it would be her choice, and not her big brother tryna run her life. She’s grown. And you’re right. We are brothers. That’s another reason why I would never do somethin’ to her that would make you want to put my head on a platter. There’s no reason why we should be beefing about this. It’s not that serious.”

He was met with a lot of heavy breathing, and then, silence.

“Of all the girls in Houston, man…” Tony sounded defeated. “You’re greedy, man. You’ve always been greedy. You see something you want, and you just snatch it… the hell with everyone else. Roman, I take family seriously. I know that your family is all fucked up, but mine isn’t.”

He flinched at the words. “That was a low blow. Glad I don’t have thin skin.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but it’s true. I didn’t have a parent with substance abuse problems, mommy issues, or a crazy, corrupt, rich grandfather who ran the whole damn city, and all that shit. Genesis is used to normalcy, not chaos.”

“So, because of my family’s challenges, I’m a fuck-up, too? I think I’ve done very well for someone who does in fact come from the background you described, because the odds were against me.”

“You have, but—”

“Just say it. You think I’m beneath y’all, don’t you?” He was met with silence. “You think you’re better than me, man? That I’m some Wallstreet lookin’ guy who’s just a White trash thug beneath the business degrees, suits and ties?” More silence. “You know what?” He laughed dismally. “Don’t worry about answering. You not saying anything is the answer.”

“Roman, that’s not what I mean. I’m saying—”

“Tony, I understand you not wanting your sister treated badly. Who would? But this conversation has shed light on waaaay more than I think you intended it to.”

“This is what you do. Make up shit to try and manipulate things when they’re not going your way.”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with manipulation or shit not going my way, Tony. It has to do with me realizing that one of my best friends in this whole fucked up world secretly thinks I’m not worth a damn. You’re not better than me.” He felt ice spreading through his gut. “Who gave you the loan to start your coffee shop when the banks refused because your credit was so gotdamn bad? IT WAS ME! The fuck up. Who was it that drove all the way to California in a piece of shit car to pick you up when you had no way to get back home for your grandma’s funeral? ME! The greedy Black Sheep, as you say. You must’ve forgotten that I know about your past, too. We were black sheep, TOGETHER. Genesis is used to normalcy? With a brother like you?! I find that hard to believe.”

“You weren’t in my house, motherfucker. You don’t know.”

“Was you bein’ a car thief normal?! Or how about when you beat that dude’s face in for stealing your hat back in bootcamp? I kept your secrets, and you kept mine. You ain’t no choir boy. You think I’ve forgotten? You’re not a mothafuckin’ priest, and your family is far from perfect.”

“Never said that I was, ’cause I damn sure won’t forgive you and offer some Hail Mary’s if you do this. I promise you that our friendship will be over if you cross this line. I can’t believe you even considered this. Let’s say y’all hit it off, and things are going well, and then you have a change of heart, break her heart and leave her after she falls for you. I can’t still be friends with you. I can’t do that.”


