The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I tried to do the right thing by coming to you first. I wish I hadn’t now. I’m not the only one that crossed a line today. You used my past, and my family problems, which I have absolutely no control over, against me. I told you that shit because I trusted you. That won’t happen again. Looks like school is in session. Lesson learned.”

“You’re right. I’m just… surprised. Mad. I’m sorry.” He heard Tony take a deep breath. “I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt her… you’re not that type of person. I still don’t want you to do this. It’s not that you’re not a good guy, but let’s be real… when have you ever had a long-term relationship, Roman?”

“What are you talking about? I’ve had several long-term relationships.”

“One that lasted past a year. You’ve cheated on most of your girlfriends. You say that it would just be drinks, but I don’t believe that. I think my sister would end up as one of your conquests, not because you’d want her to be, but you just can’t help yourself. You don’t trust people, man… You don’t trust your heart with women. That’s why you act out.”

Tony had never said those words to him, and the fact that his father had just said the same exact thing a few days prior made his blood pound in his veins. The coincidence was eerie. Disturbing. Haunting. He’d never considered such a thing until it was placed at his feet. Was it true? It had to have been … because it hurt. It hurt so much, he’d blocked out an entire childhood memory: One where he’d said some of the most horrible things that a child could utter to their mother. The guilt must’ve been too much to bear.

He thumbed his fingers along his desk, regaining his composure. “Our friendship means more to me than this bullshit right here. Alright… fine. I won’t ask her out, Tony.”

“Thank you.”

They talked about getting together soon, then said their goodbyes. He called his assistant right afterwards.

“Erica, I have a dental appointment today, but I won’t be gone long.”

“Yes, I saw it on your calendar. I’ll forward any emergency calls to Benjamin while you’re out.”

“Great. Thank you.”

He shut down his computers, tidied up his desk, and headed back to the dentist for a follow-up examination. It wasn’t long before he was escorted from the lobby into the exam room. A different hygienist was assisting him. She was attractive, short, with long light blond hair. He was relieved and upset about this all at once.

“So, yeah, it looks good to me, too. I’ll have the dentist talk to you in about three minutes.”

“Okay, thanks.” He sat there listening to Billie Eilish’s, ‘BIRDS OF A FEATHER.’

“Heeeeey, you!” came a sweet voice.

He turned his head, causing the paper bib around his neck to ruffle. He swallowed. There stood Genesis in bright yellow scrubs with little oranges for buttons. Her hair was in braids, pinned up in some sort of updo.

“Hey, Genesis. How are you?”

“Good…good.” She stepped in the room, her tablet in hand. “Your tooth all good?”

“Well, I haven’t seen the dentist yet, but I think so. It’s not given me any problems.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

“Your hair looks nice.” He looked her over and felt a bit hotter at the sight of her.

“Thank you.” She curved her glossy lips, exposing beautiful teeth. “I just got these braids, but I wish they were smaller and a little shorter. I wanted to save money but regret it now. I’m going to get them taken out tonight after work and try something different. Maybe some Goddess braids. I know you don’t know what that is,” she giggled, “but trust me, they are pretty. I need to wait until Friday though to get them in. I’ll just wear a ponytail until the weekend.”

“Friday is—”

“Payday. These braiders ain’t cheap.” She laughed. “Well, you take care.” She exhaled. “I guess I better get going.”

She stood there. He sat there. They stared at one another. He didn’t want her to leave. To walk away from him. She didn’t seem to want to go, either.



They said each other’s names at the same time, then both laughed at that.

“Ladies first.”

“Okay.” Her complexion deepened, and she rocked back and forth on her white Croc shoes.

“So… I might be misreading you, the signals and all, and if I am, or you have someone, I’m sorry, but… would you like to get lunch or dinner one day next week?”

THIS IS BRILLIANT! I didn’t ask her out. She asked ME! Promise to Tony kept, and I get my way! He pressed his hands together as if he were praying, and in a sense he was. “You just saved my life, and my brotherhood.”

“Huh?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion.


