Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“You’re starting to leak,” he murmured.

“Oh!” Penny brushed ineffectually at the spots on her toga. Damn it—she hated having this problem! It was crazy to have to worry about leaking everywhere like a water balloon with a pinhole in it.

“Also, it’s almost time for our Mandatory Breeding Hour,” V’rex pointed out. He looked into her eyes. “You wanna be on top again, sweetheart?”

Penny felt her whole body flush and her pulse was suddenly racing again. God, how could she keep back her heart from the big Hybrid when he affected her body so much?

“I…I guess so,” she murmured. “Should we…you know…on the couch or…?”

“The bed,” V’rex growled and swept her up suddenly into his arms. “Wanna have some room to stretch out,” he told Penny.

And then he carried her into the bedroom.


Penelope still wasn’t sure about him—about how much she could trust him. V didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that. She also wasn’t sure about giving him her heart—she was holding herself back. Maybe because of the fear, maybe because of his reputation—or a combination of the two. But for whatever reason or reasons, she was still reluctant.

Be patient, he reminded himself. She’s worth waiting for.

He carried her into the bedroom and set her down gently on the side of the bed.

She looked up at him, nibbling her lush lower lip in a way that made his cock surge. He could still taste her sweet mouth and he wanted to taste her some more. Again, he told himself to be patient.

As she sat there looking at him uncertainly, V had the urge to pull down her top and start sucking her sweet nipples at once. But he didn’t always want to be the one who took control. He wanted Penelope to come to him—to ask for what she needed and then take it eagerly and enjoy the pleasure that came with it.

So instead of going with his first inclination, he got on the bed himself and propped some pillows against the headboard. Then he leaned back against them so that he was in a half-sitting position and patted his thighs.

“C’mere, baby,” he murmured, catching Penny’s eyes. “Let’s get a little closer.”

She looked at him for a moment and he could feel the mixture of lust, need, and reluctance coming from her like a wave. Then she came over to him, walking on her knees on the bed, and stopped by his side.

V could easily have picked her up, but again, he wanted her to come to him.

“Closer, little girl,” he told her and patted his thighs again. “Can’t reach you all the way over there.”

“Okay.” Carefully, she threw a knee over his hips and straddled him, though V noticed she didn’t come all the way down. Well, that was all right—she would get there eventually. He remembered how eagerly she’d been grinding against him the night before and how hard she had come. He wanted to feel that again—feel her orgasm shooting through her like a rogue star and lighting her up while she called his name at the top of her lungs.

But slowly…slowly, V reminded himself.

“Lean over here, baby,” he murmured, beckoning to her. “Is there something you need me to do for you?”

“I…um…yes. Yes, I guess so,” Penelope said in a small voice.

“Let me hear you say it, then,” V urged her. “Tell me what you need…what you want, baby.”

“I…I need…” Her cheeks got rosy. “I need you to, um, suck my breasts because they’re full of nectar.”

V loved the mixture of embarrassment and desire he felt coming from her. She had changed, he thought—at least now she could admit what she needed.

“I would love to suck your sweet breasts, Penelope,” he murmured, running his hands up and down her sides. “Could you take your top down so I can reach them?”

She nodded shyly and then reached up to untie the knot on her right shoulder. As she did, V focused on the initial he had put on the top of her left breast. He hadn’t wanted to mark her—hadn’t wanted to hurt her. But now that he had healed her, he couldn’t help feeling a surge of possessiveness as he saw that small, elegant, capital V on her pale, creamy skin.

Mine, he thought as he looked at his mark on her. You’re mine, sweetheart and your heart is mine too—you just don’t know it yet.

At last Penelope managed to fumble the knot open and peel her top down to bare her full breasts.

V winced inwardly as he saw how full and swollen they were and felt her pain. Her nipples were dark and pouting, almost begging him to suck them and ease her suffering.

“Come here, baby,” he said softly. “Let me help you with that. Let me heal you and make you feel better.”


