Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“How can I help it?” Penny sniffed and wiped at her eyes. “When you tell me…what you just told me. Oh, V’rex—I’m so, so sorry!”

“It’s all right, baby. It was a long time ago,” he assured her. But he put his arms around Penny and held her tight and though he didn’t cry himself, she felt sure the old pain was very close to the surface. She pressed his face against her breasts and stroked her fingers through his long black hair and tried to give him comfort as best she could, though she didn’t know how well she was succeeding…

Of course, not every night they spent together was fraught with such emotion. Most of the dinner stories they shared were lighthearted and funny. V’rex had a dry sense of humor and often left her laughing helplessly with his tales of the ‘jobs’ he’d pulled and the antics he had gotten up to. It made Penny glad to see that despite the tragedy in his past, the big Hybrid seemed to be an optimist.

After dinner, things got more steamy, especially when their Mandatory Breeding hour came around. They had pretend sex in every possible position and it never failed to make Penny so hot she often wished they were doing it for real.

But then she would remind herself of the consequences of unprotected sex with the big Kindred and the reasons they had to get out of the Compound. Still, it was getting harder to hold back her heart from the big Hybrid, especially considering what happened once the Watchers were convinced they were doing their duty and the red light over their bed went off.

It was then that V’rex insisted on examining her pussy again, and giving her a long, leisurely tongue-bath during which he made Penny come multiple times. He seemed to love going down on her and Penny certainly couldn’t complain. After all, the big Hybrid was fulfilling her wildest fantasies and doing it with a skill she wouldn’t have believed was possible.

Right before bed they had a shower—which was necessary since V’rex’s seed usually got all over her in some way or another. The big Hybrid insisted on bathing her himself, soaping her up with his big hands and often giving her yet another orgasm as he washed and stroked her.

After that, Penny felt exhausted and by the time V’rex had dried her off, she was almost falling asleep on her feet. He often carried her to bed and tucked the two of them in snugly. Penny would snuggle up to him, her naked breasts pressing against his chest and her bare pussy rubbing against his muscular thigh. His slow, steady heartbeat and the rumble of his deep voice saying, “Good night, sweetheart,” was the last thing she heard before drifting off to sleep every night.

And then they woke up and did it all again.

Despite the continued tension about a Public Breeding which might take place at any time, Penny found herself feeling more and more contented. Life was good with the big Hybrid and as long as they lived in the Compound together, being with him wasn’t actually her choice. They had been shoved into a relationship which, strangely, was turning out to be the best one of her life—though she didn’t actually admit that to herself.

Of course they were still working on their escape plan, but the “Glorious Leader” still hadn’t visited the greenhouse for an inspection. In fact, no one had seen him for a while and the rumor was he was sick with some kind of cold or flu in the “big house” and was recuperating.

As the days—and then the weeks—went by, Penny began to cherish the hope that maybe the stranger cult leader who looked so exactly like Colonel Sanders wasn’t just sick—maybe he was dying. Maybe he would just slip away, which ought to make escaping the Compound much easier. Without him, maybe the NeverBreeders would lose their sense of purpose and the breeders would get over their brainwashing?

But even if they didn’t escape, were things really so bad? Every morning she woke up with V’rex and every night she went to sleep in his arms. That wouldn’t be possible if they got away. They would have to split up—go their separate ways. Penny had a job to do and though she understood now why V’rex hated the Kindred, she still worked for them, which would make continuing the relationship they had now severely impractical, if not completely impossible.

Or maybe he wouldn’t want me at all, Penny told herself. She was still convinced that the ubiquitous Spice that was piped through the air in the Compound was responsible for the profound attraction V’rex had developed to her. If they got out of here, he would probably lose all interest in her, which would hurt—a lot. Whereas as long as they stayed here, his desire for her remained strong—which was really nice and extremely flattering.


