Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“O…okay.” Penelope looked ashamed, as though she wanted to cover her naked breasts but knew it would do no good. Slowly, she leaned forward, thrusting her full breasts and stiff, dark pink nipples into his face.

V cupped them gently, mindful of how tender they were, and sucked her right peak deep into his mouth. Penelope let out a long soft sound that was half sigh/half moan and he felt the surge of relief that ran through her as her sweet nectar at last began to flow across his tongue.

He swallowed, his eyes never leaving her face where every emotion played out as she felt it. Shame that she had to ask for his help in such an intimate way…desire for him to suck her harder and deeper…and sparks of pleasure that traveled from her tender tips straight down to the tender, needy little pussy between her thighs.

V sucked and swallowed some more, emptying her right breast. Then, before he started on the left, he pulled up the hem of his own “toga” as Penelope called them, revealing his thick shaft. Gods, how he wanted to thrust it deep in her tight little pussy and breed her for real—but of course he couldn’t. Penelope wasn’t ready to bond with him yet.

Still, the red light was on above their bed, so they had to make things look real.

“C’mon, baby,” V growled, looking up at her. “Come here and ride my cock. Wanna feel your soft little pussy all around me while I fill you up and breed you.”

Normally, when he used dirty talk with her, he felt an answering surge of desire from the curvy little female. But this time, to his surprise, the desire was mixed with fear and trepidation.

V frowned to himself. What was she afraid of? She didn’t think he’d actually try to enter her, did she? He absolutely wasn’t going there until she was ready for him to do so—ready to spread her pussy willingly and take his cock to the root inside her hot little cunt—including the mating fist. But she wasn’t there yet and V knew it.

But fearful or not, she lifted the hem of her own toga just enough for him to pretend he was entering her. Then she came down on top of him, her soft little pussy lips parting around the thickness of his shaft.

But no sooner had he felt her wetness bathing him, than V also felt a bolt of pain go through her. He had been in the act of rolling his hips up, pretending to thrust into her, as he rubbed against her clit, but he froze in mid-thrust.

Pain? How was he hurting her?

“Penelope?” he murmured aloud.

“Yes?” Her voice was tight.

V looked into her big brown eyes—which were suspiciously bright—and saw that her lush mouth was pursed as though to bear some intense agony.

“What is it, baby?” V pulled away, dropping his hips to sever their contact. “How am I hurting you?” he murmured in a voice meant for her ears alone.

“You…you’re not.” She shook her head, but her body told a different story. She had begun to relax and enjoy his touch when V was sucking her right breast and easing the pressure of the built-up nectar. But now she was tight again, drawn in on herself with her arms crossed under her breasts and her hands squeezed into fists.

“Bullshit, I’m not,” V growled. “You…” He stopped himself and glanced up at the red light over the bed. He was glad to see that it had gone dark. Maybe the “Watchers” had decided he and Penelope were doing their duty and flipped to another channel to observe another pair of breeders in a different hut.

“Okay, we can talk. Now, I can tell you’re in pain,” he told Penelope firmly. “Either you tell me why or I’ll find out myself.”

“I don’t…don’t understand how you could know that,” she whispered. “And anyway, I’m fine—honestly.”

V frowned at her.

“So I guess I’m finding out myself then. Okay, so since you didn’t seem to have a problem until we made contact down below…”

Reaching out, he flipped up the bottom hem of her toga to examine her pussy.

Penelope gave a little cry of shame and tried to cover herself but V was having none of it. In a single move, he switched their positions, flipping her over on her back and spreading her legs. He raised her skirt again and examined the area that seemed to be giving her pain.

“V’rex!” she exclaimed, writhing against his grip but V gave her a stern look.

“Hold still, Penelope. I won’t hurt you—just have to find out what’s wrong since you won’t tell me.”

“Maybe I don’t want you to know!” she flared in a sudden fit of temper.

“Too damn bad,” V growled. “I don’t like it when you lie to me, sweetheart. You’re clearly in pain and I’m gonna find out why. Now will you hold still on your own, or do I have to hold you down?”


