Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

I stare at the two men.

“But how does that relate to a Promise Vow?”

Jason shrugs.

“Because the consequences were so dire for unwed mothers, people preached abstinence as a result. Without ready contraception, it was the only semi-realistic form of control. And Promise Vows today are an outgrowth of that movement, even though times are completely different now. Now, you can walk into any drugstore and find all sorts of birth control.”

“Plus,” Jason jumps in. “Abstinence is a choice that everyone makes for themselves, although what really matters is how you feel about it. Remaining chaste can mean a whole lot of things for different people. Maybe, for someone like you, waiting until marriage to give your whole body to your husband is what that vow means.”

I shake my head. Wow, this is mind-boggling.

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Not to be too graphic,” Jason continues, “but refraining from vaginal sex could be how you interpret your vow. Of course, that only applies to some folks because others believe that everything, even kissing, means that you’re breaking the vow. Then, there’s all the in between. We’ve only done back door so that you can preserve this part of yourself for him. Once you’re married, you can give all of your body to your husbands. You’re at the steering wheel, sweetheart, and you make the decisions.”

I gape at them. Husbands? Is that even a possibility? Could we get married? I hadn’t even considered it given our circumstances. Plus, neither Jason nor Jordan has hinted at marriage. Oh my god, I’m going to pass out from shock.

They both smile, reading my mind.

“Yes, permanence is definitely part of the equation,” Jordan says. “Of course, there are a lot of legal and governmental concerns, but there are ways to manage it. Maybe you get married to one, and the other is your boyfriend. Or maybe you have a symbolic marriage, without the state or the church weighing in. There are many ways to be together, little one.”

I take a deep breath. My mind is going haywire, but there’s something drawing me to these men like a bond made of pure silk.

“Jordan, Jason, what if I want to give all of my body to you right now?” I ask shyly. “Would you be willing to have a commitment ceremony, so you could be my … um, husbands?”

My heart pounds in my chest asking this question. I know the two of them want me because they’ve made that abundantly clear, but I’m still a little nervous. Getting married, even if it’s just symbolic, is so different and I can’t believe I’m bringing it up.

The two of them growl.

“Do you really mean it?” Jason rumbles.

“Yeah,” I nod. “I want to be with you, both of you, in every way without breaking my vow, and this is a way to do it.”

The two men share a look.

“You know,” Jordan starts, “we are pastors. If you really want this, and I mean if you really want this, we can perform a ceremony right here, right now.”

I lose my breath, thinking about the idea of being married to the two of them. Marriage and a wedding are something I’ve dreamed about, but only in an abstract way like a little girl planning her wedding twenty years in the future. I never thought this day would ever come, but suddenly, it appears to be here. Right on my doorstep.

Jordan continues.

“It wouldn’t be legal in the eyes of the State, but it would be something that we know is true and real. In the eyes of God, we would be connected in our souls. Truly committed to each other in holy matrimony, and of course, that’s what matters: our vows to one another.”

I start nodding my head slowly because how could I say no? I want to be with these men in all the ways a man is with a woman, and this is how to do it without compromising my positions or violating the oaths I’ve taken. Maybe it’s bending the rules a little bit, but it doesn’t feel like it. A symbolic marriage to these men would be amazing, and I’d throw myself into being their wife whole-heartedly.

Seeing me give the go ahead, Jordan and Jason both get down on one knee in front of me. This is happening faster than I can think. My brain is doing its best to process everything that is happening, and oh my god, but they’re so handsome. Their blue eyes shine with fire, and they each clasp one of my hands in a strong, bronzed one. Overjoyed tears of excitement prick the corners of my eyes.

“Mira Corcoran,” begins Jason. “Neither Jordan or I could have predicted your presence in lives. We were two souls wandering around this Earth unmoored and untethered until you came along. You are a sassy girl, a firecracker, and yet also a woman of grace.”


