Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

Both men’s eyes swing towards me, and my face heats up beyond compare. I feel like everyone’s staring, and my face is probably beet red now.

Ugh! Why can’t I just be a normal level of calm around them? Especially during the big moments. Instead, everything is always so emotional and bizarre.

The two men smile, flashing white teeth as their blue eyes sparkle. They must see how antsy I’m getting, and how my curves are shaking in my sundress.

Maybe they even like it.

I need to get out of this crowd before I out myself to everyone. The girls probably just think I’m having an overreaction to the two pastors here, but I don’t want to have to deal with any questions. Or awkward giggles.

“Um, I need to go to the bathroom,” I say to no one in particular. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter because no one’s really looking.

“Sure,” says Andi, already turning away. “It’s just down the hall,” she says before batting her lashes at Jason and Jordan.

I move through the small crowd and head to the other side of the apartment to where the bathroom is. It’s removed from the main living area, so I’ll be able to get some privacy and catch my breath.

As I’m walking away, I hear Jordan say, “Why don’t we break for snacks? You girls are really serious about this, and it’s making me hungry.” I snort under my breath. Usually, we’re gossiping about boys for the first twenty minutes, but obviously everything’s different today.

I can hear the commotion of everyone going to the table and getting stuff to eat. They’re probably back to chatting about nonsensical subjects, mixed in with some gratuitous flirting.

Maybe when I return to the living room, the pastors will be gone, leaving us in peace. They’re usually here just for a meet and greet, before taking off. It’s for the better because once they depart, I might also get my composure back.

I make it to the bathroom and see that I look like I’ve seen a ghost. My cheeks are flushed, my eyes are bright, and sweat has started to build on my brow.

“Oh me, oh my,” I whisper ruefully while staring at myself. What am I going to do? These two guys who I am absolutely obsessed with are standing outside looking finer than wine and dropping all these subtle hints, whereas I’m a total mess. My forehead and nose are shiny, and my lips are trembling. I’m going to lose my mind and then I’m going to lose everything else.

How do I sit out there while they’re talking like everything is right as rain? Like we haven’t just had a crazy steamy encounter in the church offices? Honestly, it won’t matter to me what’s coming out of their mouths because I’ll be shaking in my shoes, hoping that I don’t come off as an idiot in front of the other girls. Maybe I should just leave for tonight. I’ll pretend that I have a stomachache and need to get out of here asap.

I turn the faucet, going to the coldest setting. My skin is still on fire, and I’ve got to cool myself down. They’ll probably think I’m running a fever if I go back out there like this. I might pass out if I don’t get rid of some of this heat.

Splashing the water on my face helps a great deal. I’m actually starting to cool down a bit. Good. I don’t want to feel like a boiling pot of water.

I look at myself again and wonder if there’s anything changing in me. I don’t know if it would manifest physically, but there’s a possibility I guess. I run my fingers along my cheek, trying to see if I’m the same Mira I was just a few days ago. The skin is smooth and plump, and bounces back just like before. Maybe I have some more freckles on my nose, but honestly, that could be just my imagination.

Yet, I certainly don’t feel like the same Mira.

There’s a light knock on the door.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” I call out. I grab some toilet paper and pat any remaining water from my skin. Everything looks good and in place. I quickly redo my bun and take one last deep breath.

“You are going to be okay, Mira,” I tell myself while staring into the mirror. “Keep your wits about you.”

I open the door to step out, but as soon as the slab opens, I suddenly feel hands on me. I gasp as I’m wrestled into a nearby bedroom, but my mouth is covered, so I can’t yell out. I hear the door lock once I’m fully inside. I’m so disoriented it takes me a couple of seconds to figure out what in the world is going on. What the hell? Have kidnappers taken over the party?


