Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

But what if they want to make it a foursome? What if they want to bring in another woman? I’m not sure about that. Two handsome men, yes. But another female? Probably no.

Then again, I don’t really know. This is all new, and the only way to figure out what I want is to try. Not only that but now, I’m enmeshed in what could be considered a full-blown affair. It’s so dirty and steamy, but it doesn’t feel wrong.

I sit back on the couch and close my eyes. Maybe I just need to focus on how I feel. That’s all I’m really ready to face at the moment, and I really like them both. What’s a girl to do?

I hear footsteps approaching. They must be coming back. I open my eyes and look over at the men’s approaching forms, curious. What were they talking about? It seemed like Jason was pretty serious about something. Could it have to do with me?

“Is everything okay?” I ask tentatively.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. It’s just,” Jason starts. “It’s just that we need to ask you something, Mira. It’s really important, but also don’t feel pressured to answer one way or another. We just need to get this out now before we lose our nerve, alright?”

I fully sit up in my seat. What could they possibly want to ask me that requires such long faces? Jason seems really nervous and Jordan, too. Holy cow. These are confident alpha males, so whatever they’re about to ask must be serious.

Slowly, I nod.

“Yes?” There’s a little shakiness in my voice. I’ve psyched myself out so much that nerves are making me quiver a bit.

They share a glance, looking apprehensive. Oh no, it must be bad. Jordan takes a big breath, his chest rising and falling.

“Are you happy?” he pauses. “With us, I mean. Are you happy with us?”

“Yes, of course!” I blurt. It’s slightly frantic because if they can’t tell, maybe I haven’t been showing it enough. “I couldn’t be happier. Really, I couldn’t.”

Revealing myself like this could be unhealthy, but I think the two of them are perfect because it’s true. This has been one of the happiest times of my life. I’ve never felt more confident; comfortable in my skin; and vibrant than when I’m with these two men. How can they not know?

Jordan and Jason share a relieved look.

“Great sweetheart. We’re glad to hear that.” I take a deep breath. Oh my gosh. I must not have been showing it enough. Maybe that’s why we’ve been moving along at a snail’s pace: because both sides have been shrouded in confusion all because of simple miscommunication.

Jason and Jordan sit on either side of me, taking my hands. Their big forms are warm and comforting.

“So,” Jordan starts. He has a smile on his face. One that makes me sizzle inside. “Jason and I have been thinking about this over the past week. Really ever since we first got together. We both want to be with you, and I have a feeling that maybe we haven’t been super clear with our feelings, but tonight, right now, we want to tell you that we were hoping you would be our long-term partner. We’d exclusively be with you and only you.”

I gasp, almost choking on air. I hope I’m not about to start coughing unattractively at the very moment they’re asking me to be their girlfriend. Could this be true? They both want to be with me? Is that even possible?

Jordan jumps in.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions, baby girl, because we just unloaded a lot on you. Jason and I want to answer them, but just let us know: would this be something you’re interested in? After all, not everyone wants a threesome. Some people just want one man, and that’s totally okay. Jason and I won’t judge if you’re not into it.”

I jump in then.

“Yes! Yes, I want to be with you.” I’m so enthusiastic, I pop up from my seat a little, squeezing their hands. I feel like a child who just got told that I get to go to Disney World, but this news is so much better.

They chuckle at my excitement, a sparkle in their blue eyes.

“There are a few other things we’d like to tell you about this type of relationship. We want to be fully open and honest all the time because it’s easy to get confused or be unsure. Especially if this is your first time. We want to keep the lines of communication open, and that means talking on a regular basis to share our thoughts and emotions.”

“Um, well, what do I need to know?” I furrow my brow. “We’re together and that’s the most important thing right?”

Immediately, I bite my tongue. I sound so silly and uninformed. Of course, there’s a lot more to polyamory, and I should have Googled it and gone onto some forums for research before having this conversation.


