Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

Which makes tonight’s meeting super-important. We need to have this conversation, but I’m just really worried about how things are going to turn out. Because what if I’m I falling for them? What happens if I find myself wanting more from both of these handsome men? What do we do then? I would be crushed if this was nothing more than a quickie to them, and something that they’re looking to bury in the sand now that the fun’s over.

Oh, boy.

These are the thoughts I’m having on the subway ride home. Jessie and I left the coffee hour soon after Jordan asked me to dinner, and I can tell she has a whole host of questions, but she’s holding her tongue. Unfortunately, now I can feel her resolve slipping as the train trundles down the tracks.

“So, what did Pastor Jordan want from you? It seemed mighty important,” she says curiously as lights flicker over our faces.

“Oh, um, we were just talking.” Her question breaks my train of thought, which is good because I don’t want to spiral away right here on the sticky subway seat. But it also brings up another problem because what do I say? Should I make something up?

Plus, it would be hard to lie, given that we share a living space. She doesn’t have any plans tonight, so she’s going to be home while I’m getting ready. She’ll know I’m going somewhere special when she sees me curling my hair and humming while applying make-up.

It looks like either way I’m going to have to give my friend some kind of explanation. Maybe the truth or at least a version of the truth will work.

“Um, I have a date tonight. It’s with someone you don’t know. Actually, it’s more like a fourth date,” I confess. Jessie’s face morphs into one of complete confusion and she squints at me.

“Okay, you’re going to need to start from the beginning because I do not know what you are saying to me. A fourth date? So, you’ve seen this person three times already and this is the first I’m hearing of it? Who is it? Spill, girl. I want all the details.”

“Shh,” I urge. A few people on the train have already glanced our way even though New Yorkers are known for ignoring the crazy. I would just prefer not to be lumped in with the insane people who walk the streets of Manhattan every day. “It’s kind of complicated. It’s actually a dinner date with two people.”

Jessie tilts her head, her eyes narrowing.

“Two people? Why? What’s going on Mira? Who are these people?”

“Do you promise not to have a total freak out? I can’t have you screaming on the subway.” She looks like she’s considering my request. Jessie is a very passionate person, and I’m not sure she’ll be able to hold in whatever emotion is currently bubbling below the surface.

“I don’t know, dude. How shocking is this news?”

“Pretty shocking,” I admit.

“Okay, you know what? We’re going to wait until we get back to the apartment so that way, I can process properly. It’s the only way I’ll be able to actually absorb what it is you are saying to me. Just hold it in until we get home,” she says in a queenly tone.

I agree to her terms, and we continue in silence. Jessie stares ahead of herself, slightly bopping her head side to side, but then she starts glancing at me every few seconds. Her eyes cut to me and her fingers twitch. I think she’s going to crack from the level of curiosity coursing through her veins.

But I haven’t given my friend enough credit because in fact, Jessie doesn’t say a single word until we’re back in our apartment.

When we get to the building, Jessie bolts up the stairs to our humble abode faster than I’ve ever seen her. She really wants to hear this news.

Sighing, I step into the living area and see that Jessie’s already in the kitchen. She’s taking down the ice cream and grabbing two spoons from the cupboard.

“We are going to do this properly. I want details, I want facts, I want the drama. Give it to me girl. Give it all to me.”

I laugh because my buddy knows how to make a situation a lot more fun.

“Okay, I promise to tell you everything.”

Well, maybe not everything. I haven’t revealed that the guys I’ve been with are none other than Pastors Vanderbilt and MacKinnon. Then again, that’s probably a smart move. Maybe I’ll just keep names out of it for now.

We gather around the counter and wait for the ice cream to melt a little bit. We keep poking until we’re able to get a good spoonful and I dig in, savoring the icy sweetness.

“So, what’s happening? Who’s this mystery guy you’re seeing? Explain.”


