Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

But luckily, not a single person crosses my path. I reach the back door and head out. The sun shines down on my face, lighting me up and making me feel warm, while caressing my cheeks with a cool breeze. It’s nice to be back outside.

I don’t know which way to turn. I could go towards the subway, but it seems too early to go home just yet, seeing what happened. As a result, I turn left instead of right, heading into the unknown.

What’s come over me? I’m usually a creature of habit and going on strolls just to explore the city is unlike me. But it feels right to do this, and I’m sure I’ll figure this out. The weird thing is I’m not sure what I have to figure out. I know things are really different, but different in a good way. I just need to work through what’s been going on, and once I get some sunlight, I’ll be right as rain.

Thoughts of Jordan and Jason fill my mind as I stroll. Them, gorgeous and hot, using me one right after the other. Them, growling in release, while digging their fingers into my hips. Then, with those cocky grins and knowing eyes. The city blurs into a nothingness as I walk, but there’s a smile on my face because this is who I was meant to be.



Shit, that was unexpected. It was the complete opposite of what I thought was going to happen when Mira walked into my office.

I’d planned a meeting to discuss Jordan’s misstep in sleeping with her. We were going to have an open and honest discussion, get everyone’s state of mind, and then, hopefully, find a way to move forward.

But what ends up happening? I end up sleeping with Mira. And then so does Jordan, again. We shared her, using that beautiful body twice in a row.

Holy shit. I’ve always been more self-disciplined than this, but Mira, she threw me for a loop. She was that unexpected. I don’t think I could have planned for her beauty and curvy elegance, no matter how hard I tried.

What really got me is how much she seemed to feel okay about what went down the other day. I thought she was going to come in confused, wondering what it all meant, but she said she loved it. That she had zero regrets.

And she was so responsive just now. Having her body underneath mine, being able to play with her and taste her? Nothing has ever been sweeter.

No one has felt as good.

Fuck! What have I done?

She must have all kind of questions now, so what was with her confident and assured responses? If I were a young college girl, I’d have a million questions. After all, she’s here on her own for the first time in a new city, and what is only her second sexual experience ends up being something way outside the norm.

Just yesterday, she slept with one of her pastors, and, today, the other one added himself to the mix. It must be the most confusing moment in her life. Maybe a discussion beforehand would have been a good idea, except whoops! We just jumped into it.

One part of this is par for the course though, and that’s Jordan and I sharing a woman. It’s something we do sometimes, and obviously, we keep that part of ourselves hidden from our congregation. I don’t think our flock would be happy to know that Jordan and I sometimes like to share sweet, curvy females.

Yet I don’t feel weird about our sexual preferences because it’s part of what we preach at church: acceptance. We welcome gay, trans, gender fluid, black, white, yellow and white people in our congregation, no questions asked. We welcome immigrants, refugees, undocumented folks, and regular citizens as well. So why not those who love a different way? Couples are the norm, but threesomes are more common than you think.

Yet Mira could easily be weirded out by all of this. She’s new to men in general, so an unconventional setting could throw her off.

We’re going to have to talk with her and see where she’s at, mentally. I don’t want her freaking out or anything because that would not be good. I don’t think I’d ever be able to forgive myself if I had any hand in messing her up. Yet something tells me that Mira is warm and welcoming, and that she’s going to be fine.

Memories of her soft curves fill my mind and I literally stutter a bit while giving my sermon. Jesus Christ, God on high. I cannot get an erection up here on this pulpit. That would be beyond embarrassing, and I know that the rumor mill would start turning almost immediately.

Concentrate, Jason, the voice in my head commands. With a brilliant smile, I continue preaching without skipping a beat, and no one in my congregation notices. Thank god. Yet, I can’t stop thinking of the gorgeous girl even as the words flow from my lips.


