Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Amy told me you were here and what happened. I came to help,” Kate said. “Ian, Beau is waiting for you to join him to help find Pepper’s shoes. I believe I can get her cleaned up enough to look presentable and join the crowd.”

“That would be great, Kate.” Ian kissed my cheek. “I’ll find your shoes.”

“And you will place them on my feet, and I will turn into a beautiful princess,” I said jokingly.

“You already are my beautiful princess,” Ian said and planted more than a delightful kiss on my lips.

“Gorgeous and romantic, what a combination,” Kate said with a chuckle.

“My brother isn’t?” I asked, though I knew the answer.

“Josh tries but you know who can be romantic?”

“Burke Strathmore,” I said.

Kate laughed. “If only he meant it.”

“I’m glad you realize that. The girls in high school fell for his sickeningly, dripping sweet words which landed him a date with nearly everyone in high school.”

“Except you.”

“He isn’t my type, shallow and self-centered. It’s a shame since beneath that mask he wears is a good guy lurking,” I said. “Though I still think my brother is the better choice for you.”

“Yeah, that’s the problem. I really like your brother, but I worry that he’s not ready for a permanent relationship and that’s what I’m looking for: marriage, husband, kids, the whole kit and caboodle.”

“Don’t give up on him yet,” I advised. “I always suspected that when Josh fell, he would fall hard and once he did, he wouldn’t chance losing the woman. He’s falling for you, I can see it. It won’t be long now.”

“That gives me hope. Now let’s get you presentable,” Kate said and got to work.

Kate’s fashion style was different than Amy’s and I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable with it, but I had little choice if I wanted to join my friends.

Ian’s shock that turned to a wide smile as he hurried into the kitchen with my high heels dangling from his fingers put me at ease.

“You look fabulous, Pep,” Ian said, handing me my shoes.

“I told you he would approve,” Kate said and stepped outside leaving Ian and me alone.

I hurried my heels on and stood a moment, catching my reflection in the sliding glass doors. The top of my dress had survived the destruction thanks to my jacket which got ruined, but the bottom half was a complete disaster. Kate had draped the colorful shawl she wore around my waist making it appear as if it were part of my dress. My hair which was still spotty with cream from the cream puffs, Kate had gathered up into some kind of messy yet attractive hairdo on top of my head. Then from her large purse she produced a small container.

“Every woman should carry a small jar of sparkles with her.” Kate had said.

She sprinkled the gold sparkles where the cream was the most visible and they stuck to it, camouflaging the cream. She removed my small gold earrings and replaced them with her gold hoop earrings. Then like a magician she pulled a solid purple scarf from her purse and draped it artfully over one shoulder to tuck the ends in at my waist, front and back. And presto, my fairy godmother had transformed me, not into a princess, but a…

“I feel like a gypsy, and it is a freeing feeling,” I said with a chuckle.

“You are one gorgeous gypsy,” Ian said and took my hand. “Come and enjoy some champagne and dessert,” —he chuckled— “the way it was meant to be eaten.”

The next hour was surprisingly pleasant. People enjoyed the desserts and roamed throughout the garden. Ms. Dickens was busy fielding questions about the available items that would be auctioned tomorrow, and I noticed Amy and Beau speaking with an older gentleman who shook his head as Amy presented him with papers. I imagined she was showing him the receipts of the items Waters bought for the historical society and letting him know the society owned them and intended to collect them. He did not look happy.

I was not at all interested in the desserts, but I did enjoy the champagne.

Fran Radley and her dad Ken were there hunting for some décor items for their barbershop that Fran took over and refurbished when her dad semi-retired a couple of years ago. We spoke for a few minutes, glad we weren’t after the same items.

I was shocked to spot Kelly, looking as if she would deliver the baby any minute. I hurried over to her. “I didn’t know you were here.”

“Oh my, Pepper, you look wonderful, so colorful. It really suits you,” Kelly said, her smile genuine.

“It’s all thanks to Kate. She helped me out of a sticky situation,” I said, and Kelly turned a puzzled look on me. “I’ll explain another time. When did you get here and where’s my brother?”


