Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)


Beau, ever the charmer, let out a slow, appreciative whistle. “Wow, Pepper, that was some entrance.”

Amy glared at him, then turned a wide-eyed expression on me, her mouth opening but nothing coming out.

Winifred Dickens looked ready to scream at me, but her words came out in a soft croak, “You ruined the desserts.”

Ian was the only one to react. He took his suit jacket off, rolled up his sleeves and his pant legs, then waded through globs of chocolate, smashed pies, and lurking cream puffs to reach out and help me up. “Are you all right, Pep?”

Groaning, I wiped a chunk of blueberry pie off my cheek and glared at the skateboard, which sat innocently nearby.

“I don’t know how I got on that thing,” I muttered.

Ian offered me his hand, his blue eyes sparkling. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up before someone tries to serve you for dessert.”

“Whatever am I going to do about dessert?” Winifred Dickens asked, shaking her head as she stared at the mess in disbelief. “I’ll be fired for sure over this.”

Amy stepped forward, leave it to an accountant to set things straight. “We’ll get this cleaned up ASAP and while we may not be able to replace the cream puffs, I know a place where we can get some fabulous pies and cakes for you. I believe some tarts as well.”

“And her?” Dickens pointed at me as if I were her arch-enemy. “She cannot be seen like that.”

“I will stay here away from the guests,” I said to ease her concern, “and I will pay for the replaced desserts.”

Winifred Dickens’ chin went up. “Of course you will. Now get busy cleaning this mess up and get those desserts here ASAP.” She marched out of the kitchen mumbling.

Amy had Beau looking for garbage bags before she got on the phone with Zelda at the Star Diner. She procured an assortment of desserts that sounded far tastier than the ones I had landed in.

Ian didn’t let me go until he was sure I was steady on my feet. “Beau told Amy and me that you and he followed Professor Anderson and the guy you believed was the one who spoke with Stone in the stairwell of the hospital.”

“I didn’t get far,” Beau explained. “Amy spotted me and was about to call out and I hurried away from the two men so I wouldn’t get caught.”

“That’s why I couldn’t find you,” I said, as Ian picked a couple of cream puffs out of my hair.

“How did you wind up on the skateboard?” Ian asked.

“Running away from the man from the hospital,” I said, grateful to Amy when she handed me a few wet paper towels.

“He chased after you?” Ian asked, anger sparking in his blue eyes and he took the paper towels from me and began to gently wipe the mess from my face.

“He told me I was too nosy for my own good and stepped toward me. I didn’t wait to find out his intentions. I ran and not long after I found myself flying down the pathway at a remarkable speed and with no way of stopping.”

Beau chuckled. “Dessert to the rescue.”

Ian couldn’t hide his smile.

“At least I found out that Professor Anderson needs to deliver to this unknown guy or else.”

“Did either of them say what Anderson was to deliver?” Ian asked.

I nodded. “Information.”

Winifred Dickens returned ending the conversation.

“The desserts are on the way,” Amy said.

“We can’t serve the desserts here,” Winifred complained.

“I have an idea,” Amy said.

Beau and I stuck to cleaning the mess in the kitchen while Ian helped Amy set up three folding tables outside, the gorgeous near-summer day perfect for the end of the preview event. Amy worked her magic and created a far more inviting dessert display then was probably planned, Ian snapping pics with his phone to send me.

Amy had found linens to cover the tables and had cut some of the flowers from the garden and placed them artfully among the desserts which were plentiful and placed at varying heights.

The serving staff who arrived to set up a coffee, tea, and a champagne bar and to tend the dessert tables also admired her talent, the manager offering Amy a job which she graciously declined.

People began to drift outside, the preview ending, and hearing the talk and laughter, I wished I could have joined them. Ian brought me a glass of champagne and sat with me.

“You should go out there,” I said.

He shook his head. “I’m not going to leave you alone.”

“You might hear something that could help us or look and see if Professor Anderson is anywhere to be seen.”

“I haven’t spotted him so far.”

“Go,” I insisted, “even if it’s just for a little while.”

“I cannae leave you here all alone.”

“I’ll stay with Pepper.”

We both looked to see Kate from Yesterday’s Treasures stepping through the open doors.


