Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Call me Jed, Mrs. Madison,” I heard him correct her several times.

Her response put a smile on my face—and my dad’s as well.

“Nonsense. Jedidiah is too lovely a name to shorten, and it’s Sally for you, Jedidiah.”

So, Jedidiah joined us on the second floor, along with my mom, dad, and Josh.

When Ian and I arrived at the mansion, my dad informed me that Guy had finally regained consciousness. Unfortunately, interrogating him wasn’t going to be easy. Edna had already retained legal counsel for both herself and her son. Naturally, the attorney had ordered Guy to keep his mouth shut.

“They’re high-powered attorneys,” Stone added as he joined the conversation. “We’re going to need you and Kelly to testify if we want to make this case stick.”

I couldn’t get over the transformation in Stone. Gone was the biker disguise—along with the tattoos. He now wore a dark suit, crisp white shirt, and a neatly knotted tie, and his hair had been cut in a style more befitting an FBI agent. However, the change didn’t at all affect his appeal. He was still one good-looking guy.

“All right, Pepper, we’re all here, so get to it,” Josh ordered.

I could tell he was waiting for me to make a fool of myself, and I hoped that wouldn’t be the case.

Ian gave me a quick wink of encouragement and his unwavering support made me smile.

“Willow Mansion was built with perfect symmetry. There is balance to everything in this house. It fascinated me how precise Ignatius was in everything he did. But something about the second floor was off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until Kelly and I rushed up here, fleeing Edna. That’s when I knew what it was.

“‘That’s what it is,’” I had said.

“Which I replied, ‘What is?’”

Everyone turned, seeing Kelly, looking radiant, step off the top step and Danny right behind her, their newborn son cradled in his arms.

“I couldn’t miss this,” Kelly said, giving me a gentle hug.

“We got a name, people,” Danny boasted proudly.

Kelly glanced at me smiling as she announced, “Michael.”

A cheer went up and the baby slept through it like a champ.

“Okay, Pepper, continue,” Josh said impatiently.

I gestured around. “Look carefully, Josh. All of you look. Keep symmetry in mind and tell me what you see.”

Everyone looked around, scanning the hallway. Some shook their heads, unsure what I meant. It was Ian who spotted it first.

“The end of the hallway isn’t balanced. One section sits out further than the other end.”

“Right,” I said, so proud of him. “Which means⁠—”

“A secret room,” Amy blurted out, her eyes wide with excitement.

Amy quickly cleared off the half-table sitting against the wall at the one end of the hall. Josh stepping forward, joined Ian and Beau, as they ran their hands along the panel, searching for a release switch.

A click sounded.

“I got it,” Josh called as if he couldn’t believe it himself.

With some effort, Ian helped him pry open the hidden panel, the hinges creaking with age and rust.

When they finally got it open all the way, Josh handed me his flashlight. “Your find, sis.”

My hand trembled slightly as I switched on the flashlight and stepped inside, pushing aside cobwebs.

Wooden shelves lined two walls, filled with stacks of ledgers, books, and a few dusty-covered bottles of whiskey. But it was the large metal box sitting on the bottom shelf that caught my eye.

“Ian,” I called, motioning him over.

He stepped inside and easily lifted the box, carrying it out into the hallway before setting it on the half-table.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the skeleton key. The lock looked like a perfect match, and everyone seemed to hold their breath when I slid the key into place.

It turned easily.

The box let out a groan of protest as I lifted the lid. Inside, over two dozen dark blue velvet sacks lay nestled together. I grabbed one, untied the string, and tipped its contents into my palm.

A diamond and pearl necklace tumbled into my hand, the same one rumored to have been buried with Verbena.

“If it wasn’t buried with Verbena, what was?” Amy asked. “Charlie did say Verbena requested something be buried with her.”

I already knew the answer. “What do you think a young girl would take with her if she was going on a journey alone?”

With a tender smile, and her eyes misty, my mom said, “Her doll to keep her company. The one she’s holding in the portrait.”

More gems and jewelry spilled from each velvet pouch, each piece a dazzling testament to the wealth Sarah’s grandmother had left her—the wealth that had allowed Shamus and Sarah to start a new life in a new world.

My mom’s eyes remained misty, overwhelmed by the discovery.

“This could keep the Willow Lake Historical Society financially sound for years,” she said. “Though the personal jewelry should be kept and displayed.”


