One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

“Da. Like you know you’ll never find another driver willing to break laws to dig through your woman’s father’s medical records, yes?”

“She’s not my woman,” I say with a sharpness that betrays me. “Stop calling her that. She’s just a VIP on a critical assignment, and I’m protecting her mental health.”

“Whatever helps you sleep,” he throws back. “When you’re ready to treat her like a real man, I know this new Italian place in Ballard that’s very romantic—”

I’m so done with his shit.

I punch the button to pull the privacy screen up, slumping back in my seat.

Thankfully, Piper emerges then, walking toward us with a tall, younger blond girl. The sister, I assume.

I climb out of the limo and get the door for them.

She smiles when she sees me. “You’re still here? I would have called an Uber. It’s been hours.”

“I told you I’d wait, Miss Renee, and I’m true to my word.”

“But we’re back to 'Miss Renee?'” she whispers, leaning her lips to my ear.

I bite back a smile and shake my head.

“Thank you, though,” she says.

“Just get in.” I wave my hand in front of the open door.

“You go first, Maisy,” she says to the shy young thing behind her.

The girl looks like a gazelle as she walks past, still rangy and growing into herself, but I see the resemblance in the strawberry-blond hair and forest-green eyes.

Piper slides in behind her and I follow.

“What’s the verdict? When will your father be released?” I ask.

“Maybe as early as tomorrow. He’s banged up pretty good, but it’s manageable. They just don’t know if the fall means there’s a bigger problem. Everything depends on the next round of tests. He has to stay through tonight.” Her face is tight.

“What happened?”

“He could’ve missed a step and taken a tumble—or maybe he’s losing muscle control faster than they said. Honestly, they don’t know yet. They said the muscles in his stomach were affected from the blow too, so it’s hard for him to eat.”


This old man has it bad.

“I’m sorry, Piper. Let me know if I can do anything.”

“We’ll be fine from here. You’ve already done so much,” she promises with a nod.

I lower the privacy screen. “Fyo, take us to Miss Renee’s place, please.”

“Yes, sir.”

The smug way his eyes flick back remind me he hasn’t forgotten our little skirmish earlier. For the sake of the girls, I’ll hold my fire.

“Wow. If Dad wasn’t sick, this would be so cool!” Maisy whispers to her sister. She inhales deeply like the leather-scented interior rivals a pie shop.

“What?” Piper asks.

“Your company ride, Pippy! Pretty badass.”

“Pippy?” I ask.

Piper’s face turns into an oversized tomato before she answers.

“When Mais here was learning how to talk, she couldn’t say my name. It came out as Pippy, and it just kind of stuck. She still calls me that sometimes, and so does Dad when he thinks I won’t slug him for it. But it’s Pippa to everyone else.”

“I’m calling you that now, Miss Pippy,” I say, my face deadpan.

“You’re not.”

The shit-eating grin I aim at her says I’ve just found a fun new way to annoy her.

Maisy giggles, pressing a hand over her mouth. “He’s cool already. I don’t know why you’re always saying your boss blows the goat.”

“I heard that,” I clip. “So she talks about me at home, huh? And I promise I’ve never blown any goats.”

“Maisy!” Piper hisses.

“Eh, she’s just afraid I’ll tell you I know how you guys met.” Maisy turns bright red like her big sister, as if she’s said too much, and puts both hands over her mouth. “Um. Never mind.”

“Your sister knows about Lanai?” I raise a brow, my eyes snapping to Piper.

“Jenn has a big mouth and no filter.” She shrugs.

“What all did you tell her?” I’ll admit I’m fucked in the head when I enjoy making her squirm this much.

“You really want to know?” she huffs. “I said you broke in planning to murder me in the middle of the night, but you were too big a hygiene freak to finish the job. So you decided to shower instead.”

“She said you were hot,” Maisy says point-blank.

I think I like this kid.

Piper’s face goes scarlet and she tries to form words, waving a hand. “He knows he’s—well, not unattractive. Not exactly breaking news to anyone with a beating pulse, Maisy.”

“I believe hot was her chosen word,” I say. “Otherwise known as handsome. Fire. A dream come true, sent down from Olympus and wrapped in a stack of honed muscle and blue eyes I borrowed from Zeus.”

“Can we change the subject, Mr. Winthrope?” she bites off. “You’re a stack of honed something, alright. I’ll agree with that.”

I scratch my cheek, hiding a smile.

Considering the circumstances, I’ll let it go this once.

When we get to her house, I lower the screen again. “Fyo, please help Miss Maisy out first.”


