One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

“Yes, sir.”

He gets out and holds the door open.

“Mad cool!” Maisy chirps again. “It’s like I’m a girl in one of your books, Pippa.”

“What books?” I ask after I step out of the car, so Piper can get out on my side.

“Oh, um...there’s this whole genre of sexy books she likes. That’s been her jam since she was ten and started reading Jane Austen. Pretty sure watching the movies on BBC got her hooked on her dumb bird stuff too,” Maisy says with a grin. “Do help Miss Emma down from the carriage,” she says in a fake English accent.

I chuckle, leaning closer to a mortified Piper. “I’m not sure why you worry so much. There’s a kid with too much time on her hands. She could already do voice acting.”

Piper shakes her head.

“Nope. That’s a kid who missed too many electives and had to find new hobbies. All because I’m not home enough.” The guilt in her voice is palpable.

Maisy races up the short flight of stairs to the porch, and Piper is about to follow, but I catch her arm.

She meets my eyes.

“You’re her sister, not her mom. You know that, right?”

“I’m the closest thing she gets.”

“You shouldn’t take on the entire burden of raising a teenage girl,” I say. This isn’t what I wanted to talk about. I swallow thickly. “On second thought, change of plans. Pack your stuff and stay with me.”

She jerks to a stop and stares at me.

“Wait. What?”

“Bring your sister, too. We can catch up on the work we should have done today. You’ll be closer to the hospital if you need to get to your dad quickly. You’ll also have Fyo at your service around the clock. He lives in my guesthouse with his wife, so he’s always there.”

Is she hyperventilating?

Her chest rises in shallow waves. I barely resist the urge to reach out and steady her, but I know she won’t want to hand her little sister more ammo to torment her.

“Brock, I... I appreciate the offer. I really do. But I don’t think it would be right.”

You know what?

Fuck optics.

I pull her tight to my chest, closing my arms around her.

If I’m being honest, it’s not all empathy. I’m letting my selfishness take control.

Work is just an excuse.

I want her with me.

I want her protected, especially when she’s hurting and vulnerable.

I want to know she’s okay at all times.

Yes, that’s fucked up.

We barely know each other outside the banter and demented monkey-sex that’s left me craving more.

Once I had her, I thought she’d be out of my system.

I was dead wrong.

She finally relaxes, laying her head on my chest and giving me a subtle squeeze back.

“Well, we were supposed to talk about countering those reviews while you go after the Finch angle. But are you sure? Like positive-positive?” she asks softly.

I stroke her hair, flashing her a look so hot my eyes burn.


“And your bachelor pad has enough space for Maisy and me?”

“Absolutely. Space isn’t a concern,” I say.

She’s so innocent. If this weren’t so serious, I’d double over laughing at her question.

She glances at the porch, where Maisy has already run inside, leaving the door hanging open.

My gaze follows her eyes.

Piper looks back at me slowly. I can practically see the wheels turning in her head, all the questions and fears and hopes tangled together.

I get my final answer a minute later when she leans up on her toes and gives me those lips.

It’s supposed to be sweet. Chaste. Grateful.

With her, it can never just be innocent.

I’m growling when my tongue finds hers. I kiss her tenderly, digging my teeth into her lip, and only pulling away when I sense Fyo’s wandering eyes trained on me the entire time.

What the fuck ever.

Let him gawk and throw endless shit at me later.

Before Piper, there’s no way I’d ever kiss an employee. Especially not here in the open with my right-hand man staring.

But I just did.

I inhaled her and I’m still doing it.

She places a hand on my arm, shaking as she pulls away.

“Why don’t you come in? Packing might take Maisy a while.”

I nod and start to follow her when I hear a window pull down.

“Boss?” Fyo calls from the car.

“Stay. We’ll be back in half an hour or so,” I say, hoping that’s long enough for the teenager.

I study him. He’s looking past me, watching Piper, none of the smarmy look I expected on his face.

“What?” I ask again.

“You remember that tank driver? The one I waited for?” he asks distantly.

“The one that doesn’t exist? Yeah.” I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

“Something else you should know. I also French-kissed him like our ship was sinking,” he says gruffly. “You know. Just so he’d feel supported.”


He looks at me, biting back his laughter.

“Drive yourself straight to hell, you miserable fuck,” I snarl.


