One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

Goddammit, I hate this.

“He was a drunk and a bully. He was heading for court martial before I got stuck with him on that mission because my usual guy was out sick. Everybody knew he was infamous for cheating on his wife, Vanessa. There were even whispers he’d hurt her. Men heard him threatening her more than once over the phone.”

“Holy shit.” Her lip trembles.

“I watched the miserable fuck groan his last breath before I blacked out in the desert. Woke up on a German airbase being sewn back together. That’s where I got this,” I say, tracing the scar on my chest again. “Of course, they still treated Darren like a big hero. I’m sure Vanessa was relieved his abusive ass died, even if she was too nice to say it.”

“Brock...” She lays her small hand over mine.

I grab it and continue.

“I had to take care of his family. Especially when I knew Darren wasn’t just a rotten apple, but he fell off a whole tree of them. He was into bad shit back home and he owed the wrong people a lot of money. They came calling on Vanessa to collect, threatening her and his son.”

Piper covers her mouth. “So that’s why you—”

“Yeah,” I say with a nod. “I married her until they were done. A little heavy-handed, but it was enough to send them a clear message to fuck off.”

“These people, you put them in prison?” she asks.

I smile darkly.

“Not quite. That’s where I met Fyodor. He wasn’t my driver then, but a man I hired with a rare skill set. He helped me find out where they met. I authorized him to stage a fire.” I watch her eyes light up with more shock. “Believe me, Vanessa wasn’t the only one suffering. They had a former police chief getting kickbacks and they never would’ve gone to court. What we did was easier and faster. I have no regrets. Once they were gone—major credit to Fyo—Vanessa divorced me amicably. I’ve stayed in touch with small gifts for the kid, AJ. He’s about to head off to college and sees me as an uncle of sorts.”


She falls back into the sofa, boneless, covering her face. She’s motionless too long.

“Say something, Pippa.”

“...I’m so sorry, Brock. I can’t imagine. And I’m sorry I was such a psycho bitch without giving you a chance to explain.”

She cracks an eye and stares at me in silence.

“You just did. Are we okay now?” I bite off.

“Are we? Because I had the wrong idea. I thought—”

“I know what it looked like,” I interject. “And as soon as I figured it out, I should have told you you’re crazy. I still don’t like that you went through my phone—”

“I didn’t! I was fishing around for my phone on the floor and grabbed yours by accident. The messages just came up.”

“I believe you,” I say, holding up a hand. “But the next time you read my texts, will you ask me about them before you run off in the middle of the night and assume I’d ever waste time sticking my dick in another woman when I could be in you?”

Her cheeks bloom rose red.

“Yes. I’m so sorry.”

“Enough apologies. I get it. If I thought for a second you had another man in your life, I’d dismember him.”

Her eyes are so wide and glassy she knows I’m serious. Especially after my story.

“I should have known. You were just taking care of people as usual, and I went off and accused you of—”

“Sunshine, it’s not important.” I pull her into my arms.

She can’t scare me like that again.

Now that I know what losing her is like, holding her feels so intense it’s blinding.

“Just let me do this,” I say, kissing her neck.

“If you still want to,” she says weakly, hot tears falling from her eyes.

“Do you hear yourself, Pippa? My girl has been gone for two fucking days. If you weren’t crying, I’d already have you against the wall, showing you how much more intense it gets.”

I’m not sure it’s even possible for us to be more intense, but I’m willing to find out.

She turns, blushing, and laughs softly. “Stop. I’m being serious.”

I bring my lips to her ear. “You think I’m not?”

“You took care of my family and I attacked you.”

“I’m not upset. Consider the air cleared.”

“But I feel like a horrible person.”

“A little jealousy now and then is healthy. I told my cleaning lady she could skip out early and I’d take Andy back, though, so can we continue this talk at my place?”

“Sausage puppy! I’d like that.”

“Yeah. Plus, I’ll feel better since I can’t trust you to lock the door here.”

She glares at me. “It’s a safe neighborhood.”

“Atrocious shit still happens in gated communities. I don’t like you being alone here with any prick free to walk in. I’m sure your old man would agree.”


