One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)


Let Bygones Be (Brock)

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Why didn’t I just reply to Vanessa on the damn boat?

Then again, why do I need a woman who goes through my phone?

I don’t have time for that drama shit.

Still, I open the texts as soon as I fight Andy off from licking my face. The dog has a sixth sense for trying to cheer me up the only way he knows.

Honestly, I was so freaked out by Piper ghosting that I didn’t even notice Vanessa’s messages until now.

I read through them and hit call.

“Brock, hi! What’s shaking?”

“Returning your call,” I say tightly.

“Oh, well, I just wanted to thank you again. AJ never ever would’ve gotten into NYU without your letter, and the are a lifesaver, Mr. Winthrope. I never could’ve swung the expense without you.”

Even with the thunder cloud over my head, I smile.

“It’s the least I can do. If the situation was reversed—”

“Brock, no way. I never would have let Darren marry your widow, knowing what he was like. And after all that, the way you’re still here for us.” Her voice trembles. “You’re such a good man.”

“Keep it to yourself, lovely lady. It was a long damn time ago and it’s all in the past now,” I say.

The burning line of scarred tissue across my chest reminds me it’s not as distant as I like to think.

“Well, I appreciate everything you do. We all do, but it’s not necessary And how’s Mr. Fyo?”

“He’s great, enjoying some downtime in Mexico right now,” I say. “Does AJ need anything else? Lunch money, software, books?”

“Oh, no. I’ve got that covered,” she says with a laugh. “You still do a pretty good job of hiding how nice you can be, you know.”

“I’m not nice, Vanessa,” I say flatly. “If that’s all—”

“See?” She laughs again. “A man of few words, but a kind one. It wasn’t easy signing those divorce papers.”

My jaw tightens.

Am I kind?

Fuck no.

I’m just your run of the mill rich dick with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Sometimes my only relief is solving everybody else’s problems when I can’t fix my own.

“Everything okay? You’ve gone quiet on me. I’m not accusing you of being some softy. I don’t think anyone ever would, but you’re not the raging tyrant some people think.”


What is it with that word?

Everyone pins it on me, particularly one insufferable woman I can’t pry out of my head.

“Am I really that terrifying?” I ask.

“I—you already know what I think.” Her voice is tense now. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s not my place.”

“It’s okay. I had a—” I pause because I don’t even know what to call it. Fight? Spat? Feud? “A serious disagreement with someone recently. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I just wondered if I really come across like Satan with a bad case of hemorrhoids.”

She’s quiet for a minute like she’s mulling it over. “You’re an intimidating man with skin thicker than a pumpkin. Sometimes you come across a little cocky, and yeah, the whole billionaire thing doesn’t help with that. But everyone who knows you gets that it’s just an act. For someone who doesn’t—well, you can seem a tad abrasive.”

I snort at how diplomatic she’s being.

“Be honest, Vanessa. I’m fucking sandpaper, number ten grit.”

That gets a laugh out of her.

I wish I could join in.

After Vanessa, Piper might be the only woman I’ve ever allowed to know me. Or I thought she did.

“Can I ask who you’re fighting with?”

“No one. It isn’t important,” I say.

“Well, I hope you smooth things over, Brock. You do so much for me and my son. Can I give you some friendly advice? If you don’t like it, you don’t have to take it.”

“Sure,” I say, knowing full well I probably won’t take it.

“This person you’re fighting with, you have to decide how badly you want her in your life. And if you do, it never hurts to swallow your pride. Apologize, even if you don’t think you’re wrong. If it’s someone you work with, ignore me and do whatever you think is best. That usually works out pretty well for you.”

“Thanks, Vanessa.”

“Anytime. And you should drop by for dinner. AJ would love to see you again before school starts.”

“Send over a few dates when you’re free and I’ll see what I can do,” I promise.

I hang up.

My mind instantly snaps back to the woman who’s invaded my house, my space, and my thoughts.

Vanessa said if I want to keep her in my life, I’d better shut my yap and apologize unconditionally.

Fuck, that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

I can’t believe I’m even considering it.

After I sink down in my chair with Andy snoring next to me for the better part of an hour, I make up my mind.

It’s just an excuse to take my car out and get some fresh air. Even at the risk of Piper Renee clawing apart what’s left of my pride.


